

地灵人杰[dì líng rén jié]


词典A remarkable place produces outstanding people.名门出高人。

词典a place propitious for giving birth to great men地灵人杰。

词典The glory of a place leads greatness to the people there.地灵人杰。

地灵人杰 汉英大词典

地灵人杰[dì líng rén jié]

A remarkable place produces outstanding people.; a place propitious for giving birth to great men; The glory of a place leads greatness to the people there.

地灵人杰 双语例句

1. 一方水土养一方人,这就是地灵人杰吧!
    One side soil support, it is to human resources!

2. 这里,地灵人杰,诞生了一个个充满传奇色彩的民营企业家,带动了台州经济的迅速腾飞。
    Here is the cradle for many elite businessmen who not only bring success to themselves but to local economy as well.

3. 地灵人杰

3. 广州市东融贸易有限公司是一家专业设计、生产无纺布环保包装制品的厂家,工厂坐落在著名的皮革皮具原材料与生产基地--广州市狮岭镇,狮岭镇作为广东乃至全国重要的皮革皮具原材料与生产基地,依托丰富的资源、低廉的成本与先进技术的保障,并借助完善的现代化信息带来的无限商机,使我厂在这种地灵人杰之气的烘托下得到不断发展壮大。
    Is a company specializing in the design, production nonwovens environmental packaging products manufacturers, the plant is located in the famous leather and leather production base of raw materials - Shiling Town of Guangzhou City, Guangdong and the Shiling Town as the country's major Leather and leather production base of raw materials, relying on abundant resources, low cost and advanced technology security and improve the use of modern information of the unlimited business opportunities, I plant in this spirit that the greater odds of gas Hongtuo been under continuous development Expansion.

4. 地灵人杰的解释

4. 这里,地灵人杰,多少英豪指点江山。
    Here, in greater odds of Hope, the number of Wong guidance Jiangshan.

5. 地灵人杰是什么意思

5. 此地拥有地灵人杰、山水环抱之气,是建庙济世的好地理。
    Ling have toren jie here, surrounded by mountains and rivers of gas, is the temple was built to serve a good geography.

6. 古韵今风相融合,地灵人杰育英才。
    This ancient wind integration, and Lingren jie talents.

7. 地灵人杰

7. 1969年10月,我们裹挟5000年青墩古文化的灵秀,靠500元起家,从地灵人杰的海陵沃土上呼啸而起,征战南北,开疆拓土,足迹踏遍上海、北京、广州、深圳、厦门、青岛、长春、大庆、苏州等二十多个国内大中城市,并在约旦、科威特、伊拉克等国深深地写下我们的名字。
    In October 1969, started from Haian with only 500 RMB, we opened up paths in over 20 cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen etc. Also, in foreign counties like Jordan, Kuwait and Iraq, we left our footprints. Now we are getting stronger and have enormous potentiality.