

坐卧不宁[zuò wò bù níng]

词典be unable to sit down or sleep at ease坐卧不宁;坐卧不安。

词典be on tenterhooks坐立不安;惶惶不可终日;肉跳心惊;提心吊胆,焦虑不安,如坐针毡。

词典can neither sit nor sleep at ease坐卧不宁。


词典feel restless坐卧不宁。

坐卧不宁 汉英大词典

坐卧不宁[zuò wò bù níng]

be unable to sit down or sleep at ease; be on tenterhooks; can neither sit nor sleep at ease; feel restless

坐卧不宁 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 他已经好久没有听到母亲的音信,这使他坐卧不宁
    Not having heard from his mother for a long time, he had ants in his pants.

2. 坐卧不宁什么意思

2. 在你被杀死之前他坐卧不宁
    He could not rest until you had been destroyed.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 旅馆和食物,而我像一个坐卧不宁的麻风病人一样走来走去。
    Hotels and food, and I'm walking about like a leper with crabs gnawing at my entrails.

4. 他们用该死的小小分号和分数弄得他坐卧不宁,他常常把它们搞错。
    They were even going to fire him once because he came to work with a boozy breath.

5. 他终日坐卧不宁,苦苦思索可还有什么妙法儿好赖在医院里。
    He was restless all day, trying to ink of some way he could remain in the hospital.

6. 坐卧不宁的反义词

6. 他终日坐卧不宁,苦苦思索可还有什么妙法儿好赖在医院里。
    He was restless all day, trying to think of some way he could remain in the hospital.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 在《江山美人》一片中,她则成了坐卧不宁的童贞女王。
    11 And in the Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, she

8. 他整日坐卧不宁
    Day and night, he could neither sit nor sl p at ease.

9. 这些烦心事绞结得他坐卧不宁
    These troublesome things have made him restless.

10. 老会计用一种非常恐惧的眼光斜睨了那半块饼子一眼,在他的铺位上坐卧不宁地扭动着。
    The old accountant took a look sideways at the cake in afeared eyes, and began to twist on his bed anxiously.

11. 如坐针毡,焦虑不安,坐卧不宁
      Be on thorns

12. 她为此事整夜坐卧不宁
      She has been stewing over this thing all night.

13. 坐卧不宁的意思

13. 听说仇人要回来了,他犹如芒刺在背,坐卧不宁
      Having heard that his enemy was going home, he felt uneasy and nervous, and became very fidgety.

14. 然而此后他变得坐卧不宁,惴惴不安。
      But after that he became more restless and nervous.

15. 坐卧不宁

15. 在贸易行业,再没有一个首席执行官或他手下的工人,能够过着幸福的生活,因为总是有某个人,来自某个地方,让他坐卧不宁
      No chief executive or any of his workers in tradable industries leads a happy life any more as there is always someone, from somewhere, breathing down his neck.

16. 然而在现实当中,他们需要负责的远不止这些&他们还需应付那些令人寝食难安、坐卧不宁的突发事件。
      But in reality, they are responsible for so much more & ulcer-inducing, anxiety-making responsibility for managing the unforeseen.

17. 时代华纳想必是坐卧不宁
      Time Warner must be spooked