1. 如果你不听我的劝告,最后总要落得坐班房的下场。
If you don`t take my advice, you will end up behind bars.
2. 他在坐班房。
He's in the clink.
3. 猪的主人发誓要让卡特勒坐班房,而这几乎引起一场战争。
The pig's owner swore to have Cutler jailed, and this almost started a war.
4. 人民犯了法,也要受处罚,也要坐班房
When anyone among the people breaks the law, he too should be punished, imprisoned
5. 这些人都是些滴酒不沾的正统的穆斯林。在斋月中,村子里谁要是白天吃东西,被抓住了都是要坐班房的。
They were people who had never tasted alcohol, orthodox muslims who threw villagers in jail for eating during the daylight hours of ramadan
6. 如果你不听我的劝告,最后总要落得坐班房的下场。
If you don't take my advice, you will end up behind bars.
7. 坐班房的解释
7. 我是问你为什么会坐班房的?
I said, what did you get sent down for.