






埠头 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 5《街头巷尾》悠长深邃的青石巷,整齐坚实的河埠头,一种凝重的商贾文化内涵,显示着它曾经拥有的辉煌。
    Streets and lanes Long and deep lane, strong and firm river quay, with commercial cultural connotation and glorious.

2. 埠头的解释

2. V2:河的这边没有埠头,姑娘们都不到这里来汲水;沿河的田野密密的长满了矮小的荆棘;一群絮聒的沙立克鸟在峻峭堤上挖士筑巢,在河堤皱眉蹙额的神色之下,渔船找不到阴庇的地方。
    On this side of the water there is no landing; the girls do not come here to fetch water; the land along its edge is shaggy with stunted shrubs; a noisy flock of _saliks_ dig their nests in the steep bank under whose frown the fisher-boats find no shelter.

3. 我很高兴站在这里做一个简短的演说,我们迎来了埠头小学首届英语节。
    I'm very glade to stand here and give you a short speech. we welcome the 1st English festival of Butou Primary School.

4. 埠头的解释

4. 有一天,在一个探访以后,我在一个埠头有只船进口了,那只船我在Bussorah地方上着船的。
    One day, ad I was at the port after this visit, the ship arrived in which I had embarked at Bussorah.

5. 而不粜那已经送到河埠头来的米,却只能作为一句愤激的话说说罢了。
    But not to sell the rice in their boats Was un-thinkable.

6. 河埠头有很多装满稻谷的船只排着长长的队。
    There were a lot of boats waiting in the long queue on the river.

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7. 达下成了云、桂边境货物集散的埠头
    Up to the next became a cloud, Guangxi border freight collection and distribution of the wharf.

8. 在一条狭窄的小河谷口旁,煤矿港口埠头的村民李夏开(Li Xiankai音译)背着一筐柴火,指着他的泥土房说,他的邻居都热情的帮他挖一条能通往他屋子的小路。
    Down a winding narrow river gorge, Li Xiankai, a villager in the tiny coaling port of Butou, paused, a basket of firewood on his back, to indicate his mudbrick home. His neighbours were energetically helping to dig a road that will go straight through it in the next few days.

9. 埠头在线翻译

9. 湿滑的河埠头泛着幽幽的青色、小巷的石板路已经被路人的各种鞋子打磨得光可鉴人,那是一种厚重而不浮夸的棕黄色,两边的高墙早已斑驳,像是丹青高手不经意打翻了书案上的砚台。
    The wet smooth river port is suffused with the faint green grass color and the stone road in the alley has been polished by the various shoes of the passers-by, shining as a colour of palm ribre yellow, thick and heavy but no boastful. The high walls on both sides have long been motley, as if some calligrapher carelessly knocks over the inkstone on the writing desk.

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10. 你们看,船埠头又有两只船停在那里了。
    Look, more boats have juststopped at the wharf.

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11. 在米质好和坏的辩论之中,在斛子浅和满的争持之下,结果船埠头的敞口船真个敞口朝天了;船身浮起了好些,填没了这船那船之间的空隙的菜叶和垃圾就看不见了。
      As they haggled over the grading of the rice and whether themeasure was full enough or not, the rice boats were slowly emptiedof their loads. They rode higher in the water, and the cabbageleaves and refuse between them disappeared.