1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
1. 北方塘鹅一生的大部时间在海里,为的是跳进水里捕食。
The northern gannet spends most of its life at sea, plunging into the water for prey.
2. 塘鹅的近义词
2. 塘鹅-以自己美德和功绩为翅膀而继续生存的人,漂泊而没有定所。
Gannet - To subsist by the wings of his virtue and merit, having little land t o rest upon.
3. 相比之下,沼泽地区则是天鹅、塘鹅、野鹅、和各种野鸭的生栖之地。
The multitudes of their eggs provide the native people with an abundant supply of easily gathered food.
4. pelican鹈鹕,伽蓝鸟,淘河鸟,塘鹅在佛罗里达州南部一只鹈鹕的翅膀被鱼线钩住,困在了一棵树上。
A pelican is rescued in south Florida after snagging its wing on a fishing line and getting stuck in a tree.
5. 他们的经济,他们的全部文化,都围绕着海鸟,即管鼻藿、塘鹅和角嘴海雀。
Their economy, their whole culture, revolved round seabirds – fulmars, gannets and puffins.
6. 塘鹅
6. 操纵塘鹅的喙。
Engineered the gannet's beak.
7. 塘鹅是什么意思
7. 嘴或(和)脚颜色亮丽的热带小型塘鹅。
Small tropical gannet having a bright bill or bright feet or both.
8. 黄色的单脚滑行车多少钱?嘴或(和)脚颜色亮丽的热带小型塘鹅。
How much is the yellow scooter? small tropical gannet having a bright bill or bright feet or both.
9. 塘鹅-以自己美德和功绩为翅膀而继续生存的人,漂泊而没有定所。
Gannet - To subsist by the wings of his virtue and merit, having little land to rest upon.
10. 塘鹅什么意思
10. 具有带黑翼尖的白色羽毛的大型塘鹅。
Very large white gannet with black wing tips.
11. 这只塘鹅又有大又长的喙。
This pelican has a big, long beak.
12. 大约7000只塘鹅集中在岬,以共享水源和油轮带来的好运。
The 70, 000 cape gannets of Malgas Island share their waters with scores of oil tankers.
13. 第一个已知的受漏油所害的动物是一只北方塘鹅,目前正在康复中。
The first known animal victim of the spill was a northern gannet, currently recovering.
14. 塘鹅
14. 7000只塘鹅集中在岬,以共享水源和油轮带来的好运!
000 Cape gannets of Malgas Island share their waters with scores of oil tankers.
15. 911查询·英语单词
15. 塘鹅是头顶花冠和雪白的翅膀,塘鹅的巢穴在多岩石的海岸的岛,位于南非西海岸的国家公园。
Coast of Malgas Island in South Africas West Coast National Park.
16. 塘鹅的翻译
16. 一边是我不欲与之为伍的穷人,一边是不欲与我为伍的有钱人,我像一只伫立在荒野中的塘鹅。
What between the poor men I will not have and the rich men who will not have me, I stand as a pelican in the wilderness.
17. 塘鹅的解释
17. 一只美洲蛇鸟塘鹅的一种张开了它的翅膀晾干羽毛。
An Anhinga-a pelican relative-stretches its wings to dry its feathers.
18. 塘鹅的解释
18. 经常出现在沿海和远海的鸟;海鸥;鹈鹕;塘鹅;鸬鹚;信天翁;海燕;等。
A bird that frequents coastal waters and the open ocean: gulls; pelicans; gannets; cormorants; albatrosses; petrels; etc..
19. 你可以到裕廊飞禽公园吃早餐,并观赏塘鹅和鹦鹉表演。
You can take a breakfast at Jurong Birdpark and enjoy a show featuring pelicans and parrots.