1. 就目前考古发现看,商代的青铜器已运用了合范、模印、分铸、铸合、焊接、镶嵌绿松石、镶嵌红铜、镂刻、填漆、包金等诸种工艺。
According to the current archaeological findings, such techniques had been used in Shang Dynasty, such as Fan filled Fan, molding, casting hours, with casting, welding and turquoise mosaic, mosaic red copper, rows filled paint packages, etc.
2. 平面标牌有的直接采用板材加工,其产品图案、文字常用网版印刷或雕刻后填漆完成。
Therefore, mold usually Submarine Gate.
3. 自汉至唐现了一种金银镶嵌技术工艺,是将刻镂的金银箔粘贴在漆器或铜镜的背面,经填漆磨干,在漆地上显出金光灿烂的花纹。
From Han to Tang is a gold and silver inlay technique, is to engrave engraved gold silver paste or mirror at the back of lacquer, paint by grinding do fill in the paint on the ground shows that glittering patterns.