

墨守成规[mò shǒu chéng guī]

词典stick in the mud墨守成规;陷入泥坑。

词典adhere to old habits墨守成规。


词典be fettered by old conventions墨守成规;因循守旧;食古不化。

词典follow a stereotype routine墨守成规。


墨守成规 汉英大词典

墨守成规[mò shǒu chéng guī]

stick in the mud; adhere to old habits; be fettered by old conventions; follow a stereotype routine; get [fall] into a groove; get into a rut; go round like a horse in a mill; methodism; move [run] in a rut [groove]; stay in a rut; stick to established pra


    He is a routineer.;

    这就是墨守成规, 不愿进步。

    This was a refusal to change, to make progress.

    我害怕的就是墨守成规。 人总是向往新思想和新观念的。

    What I dread is to get into a rut. One yearns for freshness of thought and ideas.


    He showed little initiative, handling all matters strictly by the book.

墨守成规 网络解释

1. 墨守成规在线翻译

1. scholasticism:scholastic 学校的 | scholasticism 墨守成规 | scholiast 注释者

2. 墨守成规

2. Legacy Thinking:Leasing 租用 | Legacy Thinking 墨守成规 | Legal 法定的

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. routinism:routing 行程安排 | routinism 墨守成规 | routinist 事务主义者

4. Cookie-cutter mold:He's not one of these cookie-cutter molds. He's creative and artistic.|他不是那种墨守成规的人|他富有创造力和艺术气... | Cookie-cutter mold?|墨守成规? | Is that what you think of Doug?|你就是这么看Doug的...