

墨迹未干[mò jì wèi gān]


词典before the ink is dry墨迹未干,立刻;墨汁未干。

墨迹未干 汉英大词典

墨迹未干[mò jì wèi gān]


before the ink is dry

墨迹未干 双语例句

1. 墨迹未干

1. 建成的环境尽管墨迹未干,却在塑造发展规划的方向和质量。
    However new, the existing built environment is shaping the direction and quality of planned development.

2. 他是不可信赖的,有时合同签订后墨迹未干他就撕毁了。
    He can't be trusted; he's been known to tear up a contract before the ink was dry.

3. 墨迹未干的意思

3. 今天,我们结束了说明书的编写,噢,墨迹未干,我们就发现了一些错误。
    Today we signed off on the manual. Well, no sooner did the ink dry than we discovered some errors.

4. 他不愿在墨迹未干之前就合上本子弄污乳白的纸张。
    He had not wanted to smudge the creamy paper by shutting the book while the ink was wet.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 一旦墨迹未干,这个过程重新开始下一个缸。
    Once the ink is dry, the process begins again with the next cylinder.

6. 听听高盛等机构的高管的言论吧,你会意识到,甚至在初稿墨迹未干之时,重写历史的工作就开始了。
    To listen, as I have done recently, to executives of institutions such as Goldman Sachs is to realise that history is being rewritten even before the ink is dry on the first draft.

7. 支票上的墨迹未干,这个公司就开始螺旋式滑落,不久,我们的股票也见不到任何分红。
    As the ink was drying on our check, the company went into a tailspin, and before long our preferred dividend was no longer being paid.

8. 墨迹未干在线翻译

8. 巴黎协定墨迹未干,他们就已经开始背弃他们的庄严义务。
    Before the ink was dry on the Paris agreement they began to dishonor their solemn obligations.

9. 墨迹未干在线翻译

9. 温格还认为,直到墨迹未干,没有交易可视为完成。
    Wenger, though, maintains until the ink is dry, no deal can be considered done.

10. 早就听说,这个商人常常是签字的墨迹未干就撕毁合同。
    The trader had been known to tear up a contract before the ink was dry where it had been sighed.

11. 但报价文件墨迹未干,该交易已经开始流露出可能无法成功的迹象。
      But with the ink hardly dry on the offer document, it is already beginning to look like a deal that may not make it.