

壁人 双语例句

1. 壁人的反义词

1. 這個延伸版本不僅包含和旋轉地牢標準版相似的一些組件(二套完整的基本冒險家:巫師、小妖怪、巨人、戰士、傳教士、飛簷走壁人、小偷、Mekanork。二套卡片:跳躍卡、戰鬥卡和行動卡。紅色和綠色的二個起始區表示新隊伍的顏色。二個打開/被破壞的升降閘門棋子。一些行動棋子。),同時也包括更多,例如八個新房間、象徵不同隊伍的四種顏色、較小的起始區。
    This expansion not only contains some material similar to the standard Dungeon Twister game (2 complete sets of basic adventures: Wizard, Goblin, Troll, Warrior, Cleric, Wall Walker, Thief, Mekanork; 2 sets of cards: Jump, Combat and Actions; 2 starting zone in red and green indicating the colors of the new teams; 2 open/broken portculis markers; some action markers) but also quite a bit more: 8 new rooms and 4 smaller starting zones in the 4 colors of the available teams.

2. 你们这一对壁人又在逃避什么?
    John: so, what a couple of people like you have to run away from?