1. 中国古代向不乏壮士断腕、刮骨疗毒以及以毒攻毒、。。。
Ancient China to the lack ton output, Guagu drug treatment, and hair of the dog, ...
2. 壮士断腕
2. 如今,硬件厂商迈出去的那一条腿,在金融危机的压力下眼看就要缩回来,甚至有人士称,联想迟早都要壮士断腕,那么,软件厂商的那一条腿,还能不能迈出去,什么时候迈出去,怎么迈出去呢?
Nowadays, that one leg that hardware manufacturer strides, fall to be about to shrink soon in the pressure of financial crisis, even the personage says, associate to want hero to break wrist sooner or later, so, that one leg of software firm, still can stride, when to stride, how be stridden?
3. danci.911chaxun.com
3. 她说当时真有一种壮士断腕的悲壮。
What she says to really a kind of hero breaks wrist at that time is solemn and stirring.
4. 相反,我们可以这样认为,KDE以壮士断腕的勇气完成了必须完成的。
By contrast, you could say that KDE has done what's necessary and ripped the bandage off the scab.
5. 壮士断腕的翻译
5. 多年来,我试图向他们解释我们的艺术家在中国表示,为了参加国际艺术世界中,他们将不得不壮士断腕,并遵守游戏规则的画廊体系。
For many years I tried to explain to artists in China that in order to participate in the international art world, they would have to bite the bullet and play by the rules of the gallery system.
6. 这一种壮士断腕的气势,还真不是普通人能有的呢!相较之下,「藕断丝连」真是逊到一个不行。
The action is kind of heroic vigor and enthusiasm that an ordinary person would not take.
7. 壮士断腕在线翻译
7. 对于在11月21日成功地逃离了这些额外的股东,很幸运逃脱,但壮士断腕而不是哪个机构是成为漏网之鱼。
For those in the November 21 successfully fled the additional shareholders, is lucky to escape, but壮士断腕but not which institution is falling through the openings.
8. 壮士断腕的意思
8. 同样的,在不景气时,股市快速的下跌,资产迅速缩水所形成的压力,也会造成投资人壮士断腕,被崩陷的市场惊吓而狼狈出场。
When economy becomes depressive and stock index falls down at high speed and his asset is depreciated, investors are frightened to retreat by selling stock in panic.