

Have a powerful influence;
声势显赫 双语例句

1. 这里只想把本书中声势显赫地出现过的余下人物的下场交待一下。
    It remains here merely to record the fate of the remaining characters who have figured prominently in these pages.

2. 声势显赫的解释

2. 他们走到水泥路上,就像一艘船穿过狭窄的运河,声势显赫,高于一般人群之上。
    They came down the cement walk like a ship passing through a narrow channel, all-powerful and altogether above the common herd.

3. 声势显赫在线翻译

3. 他在1980年参加总统竞选,带领声势显赫的参选团使得吉米-卡特如坐针毡并最终落选。
    He ran for president in 1980, taking his boisterous campaign to unseat Jimmy Carter all the way to the floor of the Democratic convention.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 在过了四天孤独、寂寞,感到受人支配和卑微的生活之后,特别是在不久前还生活于那种声势显赫的圈子,在跟随元帅的行李车和这个地区的法国占领军行进了几站路后,这种受人支配和卑微的感觉更强烈了。
    Next day Davoust went out early in the morning, but before starting he sent for Balashov, and told him peremptorily that he begged him to remain there, to move on with the baggage-waggons should the command be given to do so, and to have no conversation with any one but Monsieur de Castre.

5. 声势显赫什么意思

5. 胡斯最后一次被带到议会前,那确是一次极大而声势显赫的集会,──有皇帝,王侯,贵族的代表,红衣主教,主教,神父,和当日旁听的广大群众。
    It was a vast and brilliant assembly--the emperor, the princes of the empire, the royal deputies, the cardinals, bishops, and priests, and an immense crowd who had come as spectators of the events of the day.

6. 声势显赫

6. 魏忠贤当权时与今日的德国如出一辙,声势显赫,但到头来怎样呢?
    Wei Zhongxian, at the height of his career, had as much power as Hitler today. But what happened to him in the end?

7. 在游人面前,假如把西湖比作淑女,仪态温文雅致,那么,钱塘江潮则声势显赫,一副英雄气概。
    If West Lake could be compared to a gentle and graceful young maiden, then the tides of Qiantang could have for a fitting simile a fearless, all-conquering hero that would allow nothing to stand in his way

8. 从我的第一手经验,我知道假冒品市场相当广大并且它的消费族群大多是年轻的消费者。他们了解流行奢持品声势显赫并具有高度收藏价值,但却不愿意或消费不起真品。
    From my first-hand experience, I knew that the counterfeit market was huge and that the primary consumers were young consumers who knew of popular luxury brands and their associated prestige value, but were either unable or unwilling to purchase the genuine item.