处心积虑[chǔ xīn jī lǜ]
词典deliberately plan (to achieve evil ends)
词典brood over a matter for a long time:处心积虑。
词典ceaselessly to intrigue:处心积虑。
词典have all along nurtured schemes to:处心积虑。
处心积虑[chǔ xīn jī lǜ]
(千方百计地盘算) deliberately plan (to achieve evil ends); brood over a matter for a long time; ceaselessly to intrigue; have all along nurtured schemes to; have long schemed to; incessantly scheme; intrigue all the time; nurture schemes for a chance (to strike);
1. A chu B chu:(34)大模大样 A mu B mo | (35)处心积虑 A chu B chu | (36)大事渲染 A xuan B xuan
2. chu xin ji l:85.出其不意 chu qi bu yi | 86.处心积虑 chu xin ji lü | 87.触景生情 chu jing sheng qing