

复雠[fù chóu]


复雠 双语例句

1. 复雠在线翻译

1. 当道充塞于人心时,人们无相、无住而生其心,世间就不会有报复的事情发生。因此死刑也就不必再执行了。复雠者,不折镆干;虽有忮心者,不怨飘瓦,是以天下平均。故无攻战之乱,无杀戮之刑者,由此道也。
    When people`s heart is full of Tao, people are of no-self and flexibility; at that time no revenge happens in the world and eventually, the death penalty is unnecessary.

2. 可是高里奥先生是她的房客,所以寡妇不得不克制着,不让她那受伤的自尊心发作,也绝不发出一声失望的叹息,自个儿吞下复雠的欲火,像一个被修院院长惹恼了的修士那样无可奈何。
    But Monsieur Goriot was her lodger and so the widow was obliged to smother the explosions of her wounded pride, stifle the sighs which this disappointment cost her, and swallow her desire for revenge, like a monk plagued by his prior.