




夕日 网络解释

1. 夕日的翻译

1. sunset:sunned oils ==> 润滑油 | sunset ==> 夕日 | sunshine collector ==> 阳光收集器

夕日 双语例句

1. 夕日的意思

1. 那是谁?夕日风华正茂的他,现在却是一个敌国的阶下囚。
    Who is it? Yuhi their prime, he now is an enemy prisoner.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 仅仅在这一年中珍贵的几周里,你事实上已采纳了一种与夕日完全不同的生活方式,这才是真正的娱乐,这才是真正的享乐。
    For a few precious weeks in the year, you really adopt a completely different way of life. And that's the essence of true recreation and real enjoyment.

3. 那只有夕日的影子
    There are but shadows of the past.

4. 仅仅在这一年中珍贵的几周里,你事实上已采纳了一种与夕日完全不同的生活方式,这才是真正的娱乐,这才是真正的享乐。
    For a few precious weeks in a year, you really adopted a completely different way of life and that`s the essence of true recreation and real enjoyment.

5. 夕日的近义词

5. 仅仅在这一年中珍贵的几周里,你事实上已采纳了一种与夕日完全不同的生活方式,这才是真正的娱乐,这才是真正的享乐。
    For a few precious weeks in a year, you reall y adopted a completely different way of life and that's the essence of true recreation and real enjoyment.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. 仅仅在这一年中珍贵的几周里,你事实上已采纳了一种与夕日完全不同的生活方式,这才是真正的娱乐,这才是真正的享乐。
    For a few precious weeks in a year, you really adopted a complete ly different way of life and that's the essence of true recreation and real enjoy ment.

7. 留下的只有夕日略显泛黄的照片,记载着那四年我的生活。2003,那是我们一帮损友认识的第七年。
    This is better than someone who just walked in looking for a consulting job but not knowing anything about the company.

8. 夕日是什么意思

8. 虽然手术挽救了她的生命,但接踵而来的长达一年的化疗使这位一度艳丽消魂的时装模特儿绣发脱落,枯瘦如柴,失尽夕日的风采。While 引导的从句译成让步状语。
    While it saved her life, an ensuing year of chemotherapy reduced the once stunning model to a bald shadow of her former self.

9. 夕日的近义词

9. FS团队非常强大,人很多,灵魂之蓝,警戒色,夕日的法神,冰冷火焰,紫毛,山寨比较稳定的都是。
    FS team is very strong, many people, the soul of the blue, 警戒色, Xi-day law of God, cold flame, purple hair, firms are more stable.

10. 夕日的近义词

10. 宇夕日记:记得你曾将跟我讲过一个故事,半翅蝶得故事,半翅蝶从来不双飞,因为它们坚信蝴蝶双飞是要分手的表现,如果有一天你看见一对半翅蝶在一起飞舞,那一定是其中另外一只快要死了,它想快点伤了同伴的心,让他于别的蝴蝶结合,所以被误认为最绝情的种族,又被称为——绝情蝶
    If one day you see a pare of Half-wing Butterfly flying together, that is to say, one would die. he want to hurt the other and make her tie the knot with a third as soon as possible.

11. 夕日的反义词

11. 读者不禁要问,这个剃着平头的家伙,达特茅斯大学(dartmouthcollege)夕日的明星进攻内锋,怎么就登上了与美国第一任财长亚历山大汉密尔顿(alexanderhamilton)平起平坐的高位呢?
      The reader is tempted to ask how this crew-cut, ex-star offensive lineman from Dartmouth College came to hold the same high office as Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the US Treasury.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 这是一部相当不俗的电影,夕日的五虎将再度携手,演绎得颇让人回味。
      This is a pretty good movie, on the eve of the Fab Five will be on working together again, people interpreted quite memorable.

13. 仅仅在这一年中珍贵的几周里,你事实上已采纳了一种与夕日完全不同的生活方式,这才是真正的娱乐,这才是真正的享乐。
      For a few precious weeks in a year, you really adopted a completely different way of life and that's the essence of true recreation and real enjoyment.

14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

14. 夕日欲颓,黄昏的余晖斜照进我的书房,轻透窗纱,在我的桌上映出斑斑点点,如同一幅剪影画。
      Yuhi For decadent, evening twilight shines into my study, light-transparent screens, mirrored table in my spots, like a silhouette drawing.