


词典families transfering from other places外来户。

外来户 双语例句

1. 外来户的解释

1. 其在中国完全是外来户,70年代末,面对百废待兴的学术局面,面对纷乱如麻的社会问题,学科引进仓促上阵,通过引进西方社会工作理论在我国强迫建立学科。限于学术水平,很长一段时间,中国的社会工作只能是西方理论的简单拼凑。
    It in China completely is the foreign family, at the end of the 70's, facing the have a hundred things to do academic aspect, facing the chaotic like hemp's social question, the discipline introduction hastily go forth to battle, through introduce the west social work theory to force the establishment discipline in our country, Is restricted in the academic level, very long period of time, China's social work only can be the western theory simply pieces together.

2. 首先,要主动--把自己当成一个当地人,而不是当成这个群体里的外来户
    First of all, be proactive--treat yourself as one of the locals not as an alien in this community.

3. 外来户的意思

3. 首先,要主动——把自己当成一个当地人,而不是当成这个群体里的外来户
    All, be proactive--treat yourself as one of the localsnot as an alien in this community.

4. 因为我们外来户身份的关系,我们两人在一起的话就多一些,她平时和别人基本上没有超过3句话的!
    Outsider status because we have the relationship between the two of us together, then the more she normally, and others virtually no more than 3 sentence!

5. 与其他省份不同,山西钢铁行业重组的主角没有排斥外来户
    Different from other provinces, Shanxi, the leading iron and steel industry restructuring does not exclude outsiders.

6. 这名律师查明,警察确实在一些公务中粗暴地对待外来户,在官方报告中,警察歧视外来户的行为是不被记录在案的。
    The fact that the policeman was prejudiced against foreigners could not be recorded in the official files.

7. 下沙村在福田区滨海大道以南,新洲路以西的片区,这附近聚集着好几个城中村,而且都冠以沙字头,沙头,沙尾,沙嘴,沙头又分上沙和下沙,这几个村紧靠在一起,住在里面的有几十万人,里面有很多像阿蓉这样的人,他们是外来户,但在这里住的年头不短。
    Xiasha lies South of Binhai Avenue in Futian district, the area west of Xinzhou road. Several neighborhoods are gathered nearby: Shatou, Shawei, Shazui and Shatou, all divided between Shangsha and Xiasha. These neighborhoods are all pressed together. With several hundred thousand residents between them, there are many people like Ah Rong, non-locals, but with the time spent living here not long.

8. 曾经也是一个被社会抛弃的外来户的我也体会过这种不堪忍受的感觉。
    I have experienced their insufferable feeling as an outsider being abandoned by this society.

9. 外来户

9. 你知道那些外来户都在想什么?
    You know what the outsiders have got into their heads?