

多事之秋[duō shì zhī qiū]

词典an eventful year [period]

词典troubled times多事之秋;乱世。


词典year of many troubles多事之秋。

词典a period of trouble多事之秋。

多事之秋 汉英大词典

多事之秋[duō shì zhī qiū]

an eventful year [period]; troubled times; year of many troubles; a period of trouble; a year of many troubles

多事之秋 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. an eventful year:爱的奉献 The Giving of Love | 多事之秋 an eventful year | 埋在废墟中 buried in rubble

2. an eventful year; a year of many troubles:67多多益善the more, the better | 68多事之秋 an eventful year; a year of many troubles. | 69咄咄逼人aggressive; pressing