1. danci.911cha.com
1. Robin 是一个有能力、想象力敏捷、意气风发、开朗和多情多义的年轻人。
Robin was a young man of good abilities, quick imagination, lively spirits, and open, affectionate manners.
2. 多情多义
2. 意气风发。开朗和多情多义的年轻人。
Lively spirits. and open. affectionate manners.
3. 多情多义的近义词
3. 威洛比是一个有能力、想象力敏捷、意气风发、开朗和多情多义的年轻人。
Willoughby was a young man of good abilities, quick imagination, lively spirits, and open, affectionate manners.
4. 多情多义的意思
4. 值此金秋十月,一向多情多义的中华民族,将这情与韵的强烈感情倾注在这金秋十月的收获季节。
On the occasion of autumn in October, has more than sentimental meaning of the Chinese nation, this rhyme's strong feelings of love and devoted in this autumn harvest season in October.
5. 小说中的狐女阿绣黠慧豁达,多情多义,因追求荚而生爱,又因爱的奉献与付出而芙到极致。
Smart and generous, the fox girl A'Xiu is both affectionate and loyal; she fell in love in pursuit of beauty, and became a perfect beauty for her contribution and love.
6. 多情多义什么意思
6. 你是一个有能力、想象力敏捷、意气风发、开朗和多情多义的年轻人。
You are a young man of good abilities, quick imagination, lively spirits, and open, affectionate manners.