

多情多感 双语例句

1. 多情多感的意思

1. 那凄美的乐曲,滤过心尖,丝丝切切,百般悱恻,淡淡绵绵,揉动着多情多感的一怀心事。
    That chilly US's music, filters the apex cordis, the faint trace has been sure to, is in every possible way sorrowful, light continuous, rubs is moving a full of affection multi-feeling bosom concern.

2. 那凄美的乐曲,滤过心尖,丝丝切切,百般悱恻,淡淡绵绵,揉动着多情多感的一怀心事。
    That chillyUS's music, filters the apex cordis, the faint trace has been sureto, is in every possible way sorrowful, light continuous, rubs ismoving a full of affection multi-feeling bosom concern.