



词典plural nationality[法] 多重国籍。

多重国籍 网络解释

1. 多重国籍的解释

1. plural nationality; multiple nationality:多层次资本市场体系the multi-layer capital market system | 多重国籍plural nationality; multiple nationality | 多党合作制multi-party cooperation in exercising state power

2. plural nationality; Multiple nationalities:.夺标 win the championship | .多重国籍 plural nationality; Multiple nationalities | .多党合作制 multi-party co-operation in exercising State power

3. multi-nationality:minute traces 蛛丝马迹 | multi-nationality 多重国籍 | natural death 正常死亡

多重国籍 双语例句

1. 双重公民身份,或者说双重国籍,是多重国籍中最普遍的一种。
    Dual citizenship, or dual nationality, is the most common type of multiple citizenship.

2. 这本书是国际法多重国籍全面的概述,包含了目前国家的做法,包括超过75个国家的调查。
    This book is a comprehensive overview of multiple nationality in international law, and contains a survey of current State practice covering over 75 countries.

3. 但是,不否认,有的婴儿出生在第三国,他可以拥有多重国籍
    However, do not deny that, some babies are born in a third country, he can have multiple nationality.

4. 多重国籍的意思

4. 没有几个国家允许国民拥有多重国籍
    Very few countries allow people to have plural citizenship.

5. 多重国籍的翻译

5. 因此,国籍冲突现象也就在所难免,也导致双重、多重国籍等情况的产生。
    Consequently, the nationality conflicts are unavoidable, and the phenomenon of dual or multi nationality occurs.

6. 另外,爱尔兰政府从没有正式说过承认多重国籍,只是默认2重国籍的情况。
    Q. If I apply for Irish citizenship will I have to surrender my existing citizenship?

7. 另外,爱尔兰政府从没有正式说过承认多重国籍,只是默认2重国籍的情况。
    If I apply for Irish citizenship will I have to surrender my existing citizenship?

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 玩家现在承担多重国籍的国籍,目前代表国家队。
    Players with multiple nationalities now assume the nationality of the current national team they represent.

9. 双重国籍或多重国籍的情况下行使外交保护是一样的,因此本文也主要是把多重国籍放到双重国籍的情况下,就自然人的双重国籍问题进行探讨。
    The case of diplomatic protection on the dual or multiple is the same. So this article is mainly putting the multiple nationality into the case of dual nationality and discussing the diplomatic protection on the dual nationality.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 取得双重或多重国籍的国民也与日增多。
    So far many people have got the dual or multiple nationality.

11. 对双重或多重国籍的国民如何行使外交保护的问题,目前已经成为了国际社会共同的研究话题。
      The problem how to protect the people who have own the dual or multiple nationality has become the research subject of the international community.

12. 先不说允许多重国籍是否可取,它是否可行还是相对较新的概念。
      The idea that it is possible, let alone desirable, to allow multiple citizenship is relatively recent.

13. 多重国籍的翻译

13. 减少多重国籍和在多重国籍情况下的兵役义务的欧洲公约
      European Convention on Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality

14. 多重国籍的翻译

14. 事实上,像他这样的一些工作,从本质上讲已变得非常全球化,他认为拥有“多重国籍”是一种专业方面的优势。
      In fact, some jobs, like his own, have become so innately global that he believes having " multiple nationalities " is a professional advantage.

15. 多重国籍

15. 他们在所在国取得国籍,并不放弃其原始国籍,这样就产生了双重或多重国籍
      Many people have got the nationality in the host country, but have not given up their original nationality, in the case the dual or multiple nationality has emerged.

16. 事实上,像他这样的一些工作,从本质上讲已变得非常全球化,他认为拥有“多重国籍”是一种专业方面的优势。
      In fact, some jobs, like his own, have become so innately global that he believes having " multiple nationalities " is a professional advantage.