

大婚[dà hūn]



大婚 双语例句

1. 大婚的意思

1. 但是现在,我站在这里,在我们大婚之日,我并不乐观,我也并不充满希望。
    But now, I stand here on my wedding day, I'm not optimistic, Iam not hopeful.

2. 消息言之凿凿,甚至说出了大婚的时间地点。
    Message certainty, and even tell the time and place of the wedding.

3. 大婚的反义词

3. 你的未婚夫当然也应该参加他堂兄的婚前PARTY,毕竟大婚的PARTY也要在那里举办,而你父亲的生日则可以有很多,但愿他堂兄的婚礼一生只有这一次:)呵呵,开个玩笑。
    Your fiance should also go to the pre-wedding party. After all, the whole wedding party will be there. Your father will have lots of birthdays, but hopefully your fiance's cousin will only have one wedding.

4. 我等不及要和世界上的其他人一起感受这一切了。大婚在即,关键时刻怎能脱发!
    I simply cannot wait for the rest of the world to experience what I already have!

5. 这个时候就准备大婚庆典了,请一个好的司仪很重要,他会是会场气氛很热闹。
    This time is ready to marriage celebration, please a good MC is very important, he would be the atmosphere was very lively.

6. 坤宁宫在明朝时是皇后的寝宫,又叫中宫,顺治年间仿照沈阳清宁宫重建,同时将西暖阁改为祭神的场所,经常在此举行朝祭、夕祭、春秋大祭等;东暖阁则作为皇帝新婚的洞房,清朝的顺治、康熙、同治、光绪四帝都在此举行过大婚
    Kunning Gong in the Ming Dynasty when the Queen's palace, also known as China Palace, Junji years, modeled on the Shenyang palace reconstruction Ning-ching, while the West will be changed to Snappers ritual places, often in the festival held in North Korea, Xi Festival, the Spring and Autumn Festival, and so on; Snappers East as the emperor's wedding bridal chamber, Junji of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, Tongzhi, Guangxu four in the Royal Park held the wedding.

7. 大婚是什么意思

7. 科尔于去年夏天高调迎娶的女友谢同样是一名小有名气的流行歌手,婚礼的举办地则是承办约克前女友乔丹的大婚的古堡--真不知是贝克汉姆的诱惑还是岛国人民的思维桎梏,让英格兰国脚们仿佛不约而同的选择古堡与小女星完婚。
    Cole married last summer's high-profile girlfriend Xie is also a small famous pop singers, the wedding host contractors York is the former girlfriend Jordan's wedding castle - do not know David Beckham is still the temptation island people's thinking shackles and let England international had the choice seems both ancient castle and the small wed actress.

8. 外星人很可能在4月29日威廉与凯特大婚那天造访伦敦,他说,20世纪60年代他遇到威廉的祖父菲立普亲王(伊丽莎白二世的夫婿)。菲立普亲王本人对飞碟和外星人事件就极感兴趣。
    Aliens were even more likely to visit London April 29 because the royal family has a special interest in UFOs, he said. Filer said he met Prince Philip in the 1960s, and William's grandfather was fascinated by extra-terrestrial objects.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 今天,是你大婚的日子。
    Today, is your wedding day.

10. 大婚

10. 北京故宫博物院的坤宁宫是清朝皇帝大婚时的洞房,因此室内设计完全按照满族的传统习俗来进行。
    The Kunning Hall in the Palace Museum in Beijing is the section of the court used by the Qing emperors for wedding chambers and the interior decoration was arranged according to Manchu customs.

11. 大婚

11. “皇室消息人士”揭秘说,自从威廉和凯特大婚以来,女王伊利莎白二世就准备迎接小曾孙了,皇宫中到处都在暗示这一点。
      The " royal source " reveals that Queen Elizabeth II has been jonesing for a great-grandchild since Catherine and William tied the knot, dropping hints all over the palace.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

12. 本月凯特和威廉大婚,届时凯特29岁,威廉28岁。
      When Kate Middleton marries Prince William this month, she will be29, and he will be28.

13. 还有几天才是王子的大婚吉日,人们会更加兴奋的。
      So it's going to get even more exciting.

14. 大婚的意思

14. 为庆祝威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿大婚,英国皇家邮政将会发行纪念邮票。
      The Royal Mail will publish stamps commemorating the engagement GetWord (" engagement "); of Prince William to Kate Middleton.

15. 大婚是什么意思

15. 克拉伦斯王府表示,在大婚之前,所有人员的服饰将保密。
      Details of all the outfits they will wear will not be given out until the wedding day, Clarence House said.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. 已经公布了,公主明年大婚
      It's official-the princess in to marry next year.

17. 威廉王子本月将举行大婚,该问题逐渐成为焦点。
      The issue is in the spotlight as Prince William prepares to marry Kate Middleton this month.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 威廉王子大婚纪念品开售。
      Prince William approves wedding souvenirs for sale.

19. 大婚

19. 1947年11月,伊丽莎白二世与菲利普亲王(PrincePhilip)大婚之时,英国正在经历战后裤腰带勒得最紧的一年,人们对举行婚礼庆典是否恰当以及所耗费用提出了许多尖锐的问题。
      When the Queen married Prince Philip in November 1947, the country was experiencing its worst year of postwar belt-tightening and sharp questions were asked about the appropriateness and cost of the ceremony.

20. 英商家热炒威廉大婚,推出纪念避孕套。
      Souvenir condoms rolled out for UK royal wedding.