

大少爷作风[dà shào ye zuò fēng]

词典behaviour typical of the spoilt son of a rich family大少爷作风。

词典extravagant ways大少爷作风。

大少爷作风 汉英大词典

大少爷作风[dà shào ye zuò fēng]


behaviour typical of the spoilt son of a rich family; extravagant ways

大少爷作风 双语例句

1. 大少爷作风的翻译

1. 在祖父皇甫雄的强势作风之下,小麦被迫搬出麦家,住进皇甫大宅,然而,富家千金的生活却不如想像中美好,小麦住进皇甫大宅的第一天就因为被认定是居心叵测的拜金女,而和皇甫家公认最有可能接位的大少爷南风瑾结下梁子,两人不时针锋相对,水火不容。
    Grandfather Huangfu-hung in the strong style, was forced to move out of wheat Mak, was admitted Huangfu大宅, however, Wealthy daughter's life is better than imagined, Huangfu大宅of wheat was admitted on the first day because they were recognized as a harbor evil designs of拜金women, and recognized Huangfu home to the most likely place大少爷Nam Fung Jin Leong Che cemented, two from time to time, tit-for-tat, incompatible.