

大度包容[dà dù bāo róng]

词典regard with kindly tolerance大度包容。


词典be magnanimous and tolerant大度包容。

词典be magnanimous大度包容。

大度包容 汉英大词典

大度包容[dà dù bāo róng]

regard with kindly tolerance; be magnanimous and tolerant; be magnanimous

大度包容 双语例句

1. 大度包容

1. 安娜米哈伊洛夫娜脸上流露着温顺的忧愁和大度包容的神色,她和一个不认识的女士伫立在门旁。
    Prince Vassily was standing close to the invalid chair on the other side of the door.

2. 大度包容的解释

2. 安娜·米哈伊洛夫娜脸上流露着温顺的忧愁和大度包容的神色,她和一个不认识的女士伫立在门旁。
    Anna Mihalovna with a countenance of meek sorrow and forgiveness stood at the door with the unknown lady.

3. 爱,是你生病时搀扶你去卫生间的悉心呵护;爱,是在重要问题上,即使意见相左也赞同你的大度包容;爱,是当你怒气冲冲跑出家门时,精疲力竭的爱人还会跟在你后面大喊:你不能离开我!
    Love is when you are sick you go to the bathroom by the arm of good care; Love is on important issues, even if the odds also endorsed the inclusiveness of your generosity; Love is when you are angry ran out of the house, the exhausted lover will be followed behind you shouting: You can not leave me!

4. 此外,他那大度包容的人格特征,使他具有一种包容古今中外一切文明优秀成果的阔大心胸;他在德法等国游学时所处的友善开放境遇,也有助于他客观地估价中国传统文化教育的现代价值。
    Proceeding from the historical facts, TsaiYuanpei draws out conclusions as follows: The interactions and conflicts between different civilizations is the prerequisite and drive of the creation of culture and education.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 温有方道:我们想来想去,只有一个法子,求你小兄弟大度包容,免了我们这笔债,别向海老公提起。
    The only way we can think of, 'said Wen Youfang, 'is to beg you to be most especially generous and charitable, and agree to write off this debt and not to mention a word of it to Old Hai Goong-goong.