

大权独揽[dà quán dú lǎn]

词典centralize power on major issues大权独揽。

词典absolute control on大权独揽。

词典arrogate all authority [powers] to oneself

词典centralize power in one man's hands to deal with major questions [issues]

大权独揽 汉英大词典

大权独揽[dà quán dú lǎn]

centralize power on major issues; absolute control on; arrogate all authority [powers] to oneself; centralize power in one man's hands to deal with major questions [issues]; have sole power; take all power into one's hands; grasp the central power in one's

大权独揽 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. arrogate all authority to oneself:arrive at one's post 到任 | arrogate all authority to oneself 大权独揽 | arson 放火罪