

Big smell;
大闻 双语例句

1. 大闻什么意思

1. 密宗《中阴大闻解脱》卷当中,对亡者在不定状态的中阴阶段,为令其获得解脱而进行中阴超度,其间对死亡内容有极其详尽教导。
    The Tibetan Book of the Dead-The Great Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo is a classic scripture of Tibetan Buddhism. It helps dying people to attain liberation, especially through the clear light of void in their journey of death.

2. 火大闻言赶紧调好电殛棒,正好另一只虎头牛接踵而来,这一次倒是管用,还没有打到虎头,那道电弧就拉出一条青光,猛虎应声落水。
    Before he touched the tiger-head, an arc of blue arc light shot forth from the stun gun, and the fierce tiger promptly dropped into the water.