



词典harmony between yin and yangc[医]天乐。

词典stable mental activity[医]天乐。

天乐 网络解释

1. 天乐什么意思

1. tian le:天君 tian jun | 天乐 tian le | 天理 tian li

天乐 双语例句

1. 天乐在线翻译

1. 古天乐死在了自己的猜测中。
    Louis Koo died in his own speculation in the.

2. 不过这次,我的角色其实花很长时间在电话上去说服古天乐来救我!
    But this time, my role in fact take a long time to convince up the phone Louis Koo to rescue me!

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 古天乐表示,选择女友最重要的是看相处的感觉,外形不是最重要的。
    Louis Koo said, choose the most important thing is to see his girlfriend get along with the feeling, appearance is not the most important.

4. 天乐是什么意思

4. 我和古天乐分别录了好几段,之后就是宝贝婴儿出场。
    Louis Koo and I recorded a few parts, and then it was the baby`s time to shine.

5. 当古天乐爱上别人。
    When people fall in love with Louis Koo.

6. 天乐的解释

6. 录音时,除了我之外,还有古天乐和小婴儿Matthew。
    During the recording, apart from myself there was also Louis Koo and little baby Matthew.

7. 天乐的反义词

7. 您像是一个心理医生,分析着我们苦恼的种种原因,解开我们心中的那个小结,使我们心情舒畅,乐观地面对每一天,您是一个典型的模范,整天乐乐呵呵,笑对人生。
    You like a psychiatrist to analyze the many causes of our distress, solve our hearts that summary, so that we feel happy and optimistic face every day, you are a typical model, the day Le Le Oh, laugh at life.

8. 这是第一天乐高来的影片
    This is the first day Lego come's video

9. 我有一个妈妈,没天乐呵呵的,好象有许多快乐的事,其实把,我想,也没有什么事,可是她总是一副笑脸,这样给我人一种亲切感,我的妈妈,心灵手巧,做的菜很棒,我和爸爸一闻到菜的香味,都争先恐后的来到桌前,开始是温文而雅的,其实,是真人不陋象,等到一开饭,哎呀,狼吞虎咽,再也不装伪君子了,假如,你们想尝尝我妈妈做的菜就来把,保证让你吃一回想10回。
    I have a mother, my happy Mummy, not it is buoyant, it seems that there are a lot of happy things, in fact one, I do not think there is something, but she is always a smiling face, give my a kind of cordial sense like this, my mother is clever and deft, dish that cook very well, I and one father smell perfume of dish, fall over each other, come to desk, gentle and cultivated at the beginning, in fact, true man plain and alike, wait until serving the meal, oh, gobble up, put hypocrite never, if you want, taste I dish that mother make come on, guarantee to let you eat and recall for 10 times.

10. 天乐

10. 不要着急,我们想,天乐做得很好,她是愉快的。
    Don't worry, we think that Tianle is doing very well and she seems happy at least to us

11. 这些现象就是我们说的天乐。奉行天乐之规律者,他生活依照自然的法则运行,他的死亡也是自然变化的一部份。
      Hence his death is a part of the changes of the Nature.

12. 沈阳天乐饮品有限公司成立于1998年9月,注册资金6000万元。
      Was established in September 1998 with a registered capital of 60 million yuan.

13. danci.911chaxun.com

13. 浙江天乐数码电器有限公司成立于2003年8月,是浙江省信息产业厅重点扶持企业。
      Founded in August of 2003 is a main enterprise supported by Zhejiang Information Industry Office of Zhejiang Province.

14. 假如天乐需要继续看牙医,需要付钱。请告知我们。
      If Tianle needs to look at the dentist continuouslg and pay money, Please tell us.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. 浙江天乐塑胶公司是一家专业从事ABS、UPVC、CPVC塑胶产品开发和生产经营的企业,公司创办于1984年,历史悠久,经验丰富,技术力量雄厚。
      Zhejiang Tianle Plastics Corporation is a professional engaged in ABS, UPVC, CPVC plastic product development and production and management company founded in 1984, has a long history and experience, strong technical force.

16. 我的偶像就是林峯、陈键锋和古天乐
      And my hobbies are dancing and chatting with friends.

17. 我专心作画,没听见电话铃响。话画敬亭,一天乐不停!
      I was totally involved in my painting and never heard the telephone ring.

18. 古天乐在电影里演一个几近疯狂的瘾君子。
      Louis Koo stars as a desperate drug addict in the film.

19. 天乐

19. 周经理哽着嗓子说他太太老糊涂了,怎么今天乐日子讲那些话。
      Choking back emotion, his father-in-law said that his wife was being silly and that she should not say things like that on such a happy day.

20. 目的探讨天乐胶囊治疗偏头痛的作用机理。
      Objective To reveal the mechanism of traditional Chinese drug Tianle capsule in treatment of migraine.