

Natural disaster;
天灾地变 双语例句

1. 天灾地变的翻译

1. 总言之,去年为了保管这 452 亿美元,我们额外获得了 15 亿美元的报酬,展望 2005 年市场订价较不吸引人,尽管如此,只要不发生什么重大的天灾地变,我们还是可以维持免成本的浮存金。
    To summarize, last year we were paid more than $1.5 billion to hold an average of about $45.2 billion. In 2005 pricing will be less attractive than it has been. Nevertheless, absent a mega-catastrophe, we have a decent chance of achieving no-cost float again this year.

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2. 假设往后几年没有发生什么天灾地变,我们预期1988年的同业平均综合比率将会微幅上扬,紧接下来的几年则会大幅攀升。
    If results are not hurt by a major natural catastrophe, we predict a small climb for the industry's combined ratio in 1988, followed by several years of larger increases.

3. 天灾地变在线翻译

3. 2004年我们持有浮存金的成本低于零,而之前我跟各位报告过,除非2005年发生什么重大的天灾地变,我们浮存金的成本也将在零以下,可惜2005年我们确实因为飓风损失了34亿美元,不过我要跟各位报告,即便如此,由于包含GEICO在内的其他保险公司表现相当优异,使得2005年我们的浮存金的成本依旧低于零以下。
    Nevertheless, our float was costless in 2005 because of the superb results we had in our other insurance activities, particularly at GEICO.

4. 然而盈余数字却不会马上滑落,这个产业具有递延的现象,因为大部分的保单都是一年期,所以对于损益的影响会在往后的一年之间陆续浮现,因此打个比方,在party结束、酒吧关门之前,你还可以把手上的那杯喝完了再走,假设往后几年没有发生什么天灾地变,我们预期1988年的同业平均综合比率将会微幅上扬,紧接下来的几年则会大幅攀升。
    However, earnings will not immediately sink. A lag factor exists in this industry: Because most policies are written for a one-year term, higher or lower insurance prices do not have their full impact on earnings until many months after they go into effect. Thus, to resume our metaphor, when the party ends and the bar is closed, you are allowed to finish your drink. If results are not hurt by a major natural catastrophe, we predict a small climb for the industry's combined ratio in 1988, followed by several years of larger increases.

5. 天灾地变的近义词

5. 如果目前数十万公顷农地之中,有十分之一变成湖泊,会是上百个吉洋人工湖,而除了不必担心天灾地变造成巨祸之外,它为台湾景观增添多少颜色,为台湾人民带来多少休憩、居住的乐趣,同时又彻底消除缺水问题,让水资源不可胜用。
    For the sake of the farmers, and for the sake of our country and our society, this kind of ridiculous land utilization must be reformed completely so that all of the people will be able to shake off their anxious nightmares about water shortages at an early date and so that the greater economic benefit created by the land can be given back to the farmers.