

天真烂熳[tiān zhēn làn màn]


词典innocent and artless天真烂熳。

词典childlike innocence童心;天真烂熳。


词典have stars in one's eyes天真烂熳。


词典simple and unaffected天真的;天真烂熳。

天真烂熳 汉英大词典

天真烂熳[tiān zhēn làn màn]

innocent and artless (children); childlike innocence; have stars in one's eyes; simple and unaffected

天真烂熳 双语例句

1. 她如此天真烂熳,真是谁见谁爱!
    Being innocent and artless, she is loved by all.

2. 天真烂熳的翻译

2. 李白的诗歌雄奇奔放、清丽飘逸、天真烂熳,具有鲜明的浪漫主义风格。
    Li Bai`s poetry male wonderful bold, simple and beautiful elegant, naive rotten man, has the bright romanticism style.

3. 珂赛特虽有她的心事,她那甜滋滋的忧虑,脑子里充满了马吕斯的形象,但她那无比纯洁美好的面貌,和原先一样,仍是天真烂熳,笑盈盈的。
    The thoughts which Cosette cherished, her tender preoccupations, Marius'image which filled her heart, took away nothing from the incomparable purity of her beautiful, chaste, and smiling brow.