

头皮发麻[tóu pí fā má]


词典blood freezes头皮发麻。

头皮发麻 汉英大词典

头皮发麻[tóu pí fā má]

blood freezes

头皮发麻 双语例句

1. 她的声音令我头皮发麻。2。她到办公室通常要用20分钟。
    It's usually take about 20 minutes for she come to office.

2. 她的声音令我头皮发麻
    She's voice made me pins and needles.

3. 她的声音令我头皮发麻
    Her voice makes me...?

4. 她的声音令我头皮发麻
    Her voice is very low and makes me very uncomfortable.

5. 还有那个梦,甚至想一想都能让我头皮发麻的。。。
    It scares the shxt out of me even by thinking about it...

6. 她的声音令我头皮发麻。2。她到办公室通常要用20分钟。
    It usually takes her twenty minutes to get the office.

7. 她的声音令我头皮发麻
    Her voice made my hair stand on end.

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8. 她的声音令我头皮发麻
    My scalp felt nump by her voice.

9. 她的声音令我头皮发麻
    Her voice is make my scurf pins and needles.

10. 她的声音令我头皮发麻
    Her voice let my scalp pins and needles..

11. 我发动引擎,头一次不去在意引擎那让人头皮发麻的轰鸣声。
      I got the heater running, for once not caring about the mind-numbing roar of the engine.

12. 头皮发麻

12. 光是想到站在特力屋里,试着分辨漏电断路器和绞支单极断路器,就让我头皮发麻
      The thought of standing in a Home Depot aisle trying to distinguish between a ground fault circuit interrupter and a hinged single-pole breaker lockout induces abject terror.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

13. 接下来的场面已经开始让人头皮发麻:推土机以90脉的速度变成了小型建筑物大小的两条腿机器人,像滑滚轴一样(实在没有其他方式来形容它)冲进车流之中,不费吹灰之力推飞了那些阻碍他前进的倒霉车辆。
      At 90 miles per hour — and here's where the brain begins to record-scratch a bit — Bonecrusher transforms into a bipedal robot the size of a small building. He then rollerblades (there's no other way to describe it) through the traffic, effortlessly sweeping unlucky commuters out of his path.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 她的声音令我头皮发麻
      Her voice made me very scared.

15. 傅里叶变换在数字计算上颇为有效,但在全天搜索中傅里叶变换的使用多得让人头皮发麻
      Fourier transforms are numerically pretty efficient, but there are an awful lot of them to do in an all-sky search.

16. danci.911chaxun.com

16. 许多男人其实甚为害怕水晶甲面,那东西长长厚厚,上面麻麻扎扎贴满了人造水钻,画满了小花,令男人们觉得头皮十分发麻。
      In fact, many men are afraid of a crystal face, long thick thing that, above Ma Ma Zaza covered the man-made diamond, paintings full of flowers, so that men feel very numb the scalp.