1. 奋威是什么意思
1. 我们诚恳地邀请志向远大,才识过人的你加入我们的团队,与我们一起见证康奋威的历史。
We sincerely invite talents who have great team sprits and are willing to take challenges to jump on board and witness the growth of ConfirmWare with us together.
2. 我们诚恳地邀请志向远大,才识过人的你加入我们的团队,与我们一起见证康奋威的历史。本网站所有招聘信息及作品,未经书面授权不得转载
We sincerely invite talents who have great team sprits and are willing to take challenges to jump on board and witness the growth of confirmware with us together.
3. 康奋威致力于先进的控制理论研究,控制软硬件的开发,将其研发成果运用于国内的制造业,竭尽全力帮助国内制造业革新技术,并与民族制造业一起发展壮大。
The long term objective of ConfirmWare is to grow and share the triumph with national manufacturers together down the roads.