

奏乐[zòu yuè]

词典play music奏乐;作乐;奏;播放音乐。

奏乐 网络解释

1. 奏乐在线翻译

1. to play music:16. to play one's cards执行计划 | 17. to play music奏乐 | 18. to play at music以音乐消遣

2. ludi muzikon:走向: aliri;sin direkti | 奏乐: ludi muzikon | 奏鸣曲: sonato

奏乐 双语例句

1. 奏乐

1. 强劲的东风猛烈地奏乐我们的脸。
    Eg. The strong easterly wind lash ed at our faces.

2. 民以食为天嘛,大麦饭餐和小麦粉面(相当于汉文化中的粥饭和粑面)总还是要吃的,烤面包和揉面条总还是养人的,还可以做成蛋糕和圆饼尝尝鲜嘛;人们端出这些饭菜来并且恭恭敬敬地摆放在芦苇蓆垫上或荷花蒲叶之中(中国人则是饭香菜熟,案几供张,杯碟鸣金,碗筷奏乐,饕餮以乐),人们劳作之余不正是向往着斜躺神仙椅、脚戏二郎神的日子吗,最好还有金玉满床、红豆檀香的品味和满足感。
    They will feed on barley-meal and flour of wheat, baking and kneading them, making noble cakes and loaves; these they will serve up on a mat of reeds or on clean leaves, themselves reclining the while upon beds strewn with yew or myrtle.

3. 你有什么乐器能奏乐么?"我什么都没有,只有一只粗木梳子,一张纸和一只口拨近①。
    I ain'got nuffn but a coase comb en a piece o'paper, en a juice-harp; but I reck'n dey wouldn'take no stock in a juice-harp.

4. 驼着八个奏乐载舞的人。
    Carries eight musicians and dancers.

5. 奏乐

5. 他,向星星奏乐的人,正拿着他的横笛,站在你的窗边。
    He who plays his music to the stars is standing at your window with his flute.

6. 一个风轻日暖的下午,靠窗户的病人讲述了路过窗前的游行队伍,尽管另一病人听不到乐队的奏乐声,但在靠窗户的那位绅士绘声绘色的讲述中,他仿佛用心灵中的眼睛看到了它。
    One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn't hear the band----he could see it in hismind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

7. 奏乐是什么意思

7. 第三类砖壁画描绘了墓主人中年时平步青云、身为达官显贵时奢侈豪华的享乐生活,那些乐师奏乐图、舞女献舞图展现了墓主人歌舞生平的享乐生活;而威武壮观的出巡图更显示了墓主人先天下之忧而忧的豪迈气概。
    The third type of brick tomb murals depicting skyrocket when middle-aged people, as when the extravagant luxury Xianguida guan pleasures of life, musicians who play music chart dance chart dancers offer the owner of the tomb to show the life of people singing and dancing pleasures of life; and mighty spectacular tour of inspection plans owner who also shows the first and worry about the world of the heroic spirit.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 本研究采用等组前后测实验设计的方法,选取了中班幼儿65名,探讨视谱奏乐对其节奏感、操作能力发展的影响,以及节奏感和操作能力之间的关系。
    Finally, they conclude that 1 the ability of sight-singing is not the key factor that affects cllildren s development of the rhythmic sense and ability of operation.

9. 紧那罗的任务是在佛国里奏乐、歌舞,但不能飞翔于云霄。
    Tight that of the mission is in the 佛 country to play music, song and dance, but can't be fly in cloudy regions.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 擅长于扭待别是扇子耍得欢,碛口、三交,则注重秧歌队的吹奏乐
    Do not be good at twisting is playing a fan Huan, moraine I, three-way cross, the team focused on playing music Yangko.

11. 奏乐的反义词

11. 在大街上闹嚷嚷地奏乐,使大家受干扰,这是损害社会秩序的。
      Playing music so loudly that it annoys everyone else in the street is antisocial.

12. 在海上度过了16天半后,他们于4月5日晚9点到达希腊首都,并且相信他们还有12天的训练时间。4月6日清晨4点,他们被宣布奥运会开老屋子年久失修,多是低矮红砖房,好些房子里还用着原始的马桶,属于简易的痰盂,我经过的时候常看见老人将秽物倒进河幕的铜管乐队的奏乐声惊醒。
      On the water a training for over 16 days half empress, they on April 5 late 9:00 arriving the capital of Greece, and believing that they still having 12 days time. April 64:00 A. M., they were declared the copper brass band that Olympic game open plays music the voice wakes up with a start.

13. 隋唐时代与散乐结合后,逐渐作为民间吹奏乐被普遍应用于岁时节令、庆典祭祀、婚丧社火等民俗事项中。
      Sui and Tang times scattered and music combined with the gradually as people play music is widely used in so-year-old season, religious ceremonies, weddings and other social customs in matters of fire.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 大会进行第一项:升旗仪式开始,出旗,奏乐
      Step 1: Let`s begin the flag-raising Ceremony of the first semester of 2007-2008!

15. 奏乐是什么意思

15. 在我们国家,人们都用它奏乐
      In our country, the people use it to play music!

16. 好的,当他进门的时候,我们就会奏乐
      B: OK, we'll strike up as he walks in the door.

17. 奏乐是什么意思

17. 而且我不听你们的奏乐
      And to the melody of your lyres I will not listen.

18. 在这宴会中,我的任务是奏乐,我也尽力演奏了。
      It was my part at this feast to play upon my instrument, and I have done all I could.

19. 奏乐

19. 请不要奏乐,还有一件事
      Please don't play the music.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. 我想成为一名宇航员,穿越时空,与嫦娥相约于月桂树下,让吴刚奏乐,玉兔伴舞。
      I and the Goddess in the moon will meet under the bay tree, Wugang will play music and Jade rabbit dance for us.