




词典memorial to the throne奏疏,奏章,奏折。

奏本 双语例句

1. 奏本

1. 由于它在时代没有正式公开的地位,因此它的传递和进呈与普通题奏本有著较大的差别,这也是保证密疏能否快捷、保密、直达御前的关键。
    As they had no official and open position, the transmission and submission of secret memorials had great differences from the normal ones.

2. 我们在昂格勒斯奏本的边上写了这段评语以后,再回头来说我们的那四对情人。
    This note jotted down on the margin of Angles'report, we will return to our four couples.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 大臣奏本,部族首领朝拜和外国使者晋谒皇帝等朝政活动,也在这里举行。
    Minister Coupen, tribal leaders and foreign envoys of worship, such as the emperor Zhu Zheng Jin Ye, also held here.

4. 奏本

4. 与普通的题、奏本相比,它有转呈快捷、直达御前开拆、皇帝亲批而不需内阁票拟、亦不假他人之手、高度保密等特点。
    Compared with normal memorials, secret ones were characterized by high secrecy, quickness and nonstop to the emperor without registration in the cabinet.

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5. 朝中文武大臣纷纷奏本,强烈要求杀死祸国殃民的苏妲己。
    Chinese Minister Wu Chao Zouben one after another, bringing disaster to strongly demand that the killing of the Soviet Union has been dark.