

奶糕[nǎi gāo]

词典baby food made of rice-flour, sugar, etc.

奶糕 汉英大词典

奶糕[nǎi gāo]

baby food made of rice-flour, sugar, etc.

奶糕 双语例句

1. 奶糕在线翻译

1. 酸奶酪,酵母乳。/乳酪一种具有酸味的蛋奶糕状食物,由细菌作用的牛奶凝结物制得,尤指保加利亚乳酸杆菌和喜温链球菌,常加水果以变甜或加味
    Yogurt: A custard like food with a tart flavor, prepared from milk curdled by bacteria, especially Lactobacillus burglarious and Streptococcus thermopiles, and often sweetened or flavored with fruit.

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2. 孩子已经5个月了,吃奶量越来越少,加了米粉和奶糕也不行,一碰到奶嘴就想呕。
    Baby has been 5 months, and infants less and less volume, add the rice and奶糕not line touched one nipple wanted to vomit.

3. 至今已形成速溶椰子粉,椰奶咖啡、炭烧咖啡、咖啡奶、椰汁奶茶等固体饮料和特色椰子糖、咖啡糖等糖果,椰子片、椰奶糕、菠萝糕、椰香薄饼等糕饼以及腰果、胡椒、开心果和海鲜干货等五大系列二百余个优质产品。
    So far the company is able to produce five series of more than 100 assortments of fine quality food, such as solid drink like instant coconut powder, coffee with coconut juice, coffee powder, and tea with coconut juice; series candy like traditional coconut candy, coffee candy etc; series of cakes like slices of coconut meat, cake of coconut juice, pineapple cake, crisp cake of coconut as well as cashew nut, pepper, happiness nut and dried seafood.

4. 这款酸奶油奶糕是我的妈妈拿手的特色之一,我不是为了给自己加分才这么说的。
    This Sour Cream Coffee Cake is one of my mother-in-law's many specialties. And I'm not just saying that to score points!

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5. 小儿每天腹泻5—10次时,可用焦米汤、胡萝卜汤、稀奶糕、蛋白质等食物代替1—2次母乳;也可改用脱脂奶、半脱脂奶以及酸牛奶,还要适当补充一些糖盐水。
    Diarrhea in children 5-10 times a day, the available coke rice soup, carrot soup, dilute奶糕, protein food such as 1-2 times in place of breast milk; also can switch to skim milk, semi-skimmed milk and yogurt, but also appropriate to add some sugar saline.

6. 焦米汤 先把米粉或奶糕研成粉,炒到颜色发黄,再加适量的水和糖,然后烧成糊状就可以了。
    JIAO rice or rice soup first奶糕inquiry into powder, 炒到yellow colors, combined with an appropriate amount of water and sugar, and then firing paste it.

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7. 这几天给宝宝添加米粉。2个半月开始吃菜汁,水果汁,3个月末添了奶糕(就是我们小时候吃的那种,要用水烧的)他吃的很好,后来觉的奶糕没有米粉营养丰富,从昨天开始就给他吃米粉,第一次吃很顺利,吃了小碗的半碗,第二次吃了第一次的一半,今天再给他吃,吃了一口就吐出来,接着就哭,试了2次都这样,非得吃了奶瓶才行,唉,怎么办呢,伤脑筋
    The past few days to add 宝宝 rice flour and a half months to start eating.2 juices, fruit juice, three at the end of the Tim奶糕(that we eat the kind of childhood, it is necessary to burn water a) he s very good to eat, then sleep the奶糕not nutritious rice from yesterday吃米粉gave him the first time to eat very well, eating a small bowl半碗, the second ate the first half of, today to give him to eat, eating on a spit to, and then cried, tried 2 times this way, do have to eat a bottle, Oh, how should we do, headache

8. 长期给孩子吃奶糕,不利于孩子牙齿的发育和咀嚼能力的培养。
    A long time to eat奶糕baby is not conducive to the development of baby teeth and chewing ability.

9. 奶糕是从母乳到稀饭的过渡食品,而且营养成分和稀饭没什么区别,都是碳水化合物。
    Porridge from the breast to the transition of food and nutrients and no difference between porridge, are carbohydrates.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 因奶糕中的碳水化合物在肠道内部分发酵后,可刺激肠蠕动,有助于通便。
    Because of carbohydrates in the intestinal part of fermentation, may stimulate peristalsis help purge.

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11. 因奶糕中的碳水化合物在肠道内部分发酵后,可刺激肠蠕动,有助于通便。
      Due to奶糕in part of carbohydrate fermentation in the intestine may stimulate peristalsis and help purge.

12. 配方奶粉和奶糕是冲调在一起分四次给孩子食用的,这样的调和影响营养的吸收吗?
      Milk formula and奶糕is brewing with the consumption of four to the baby, so to reconcile the impact of nutrition absorption it?

13. 月2号第一次吃米粉,不喜欢,后试是了一次中国带来的奶糕,没怎么抗拒
      I start rice cereal from May 2 but I dont like it much, then I tryed some other cereal from china and I like it very much