

好高骛远[hào gāo wù yuǎn]

词典reach for what is beyond one's grasp好高骛远。

好高骛远 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. You mustn't aim too high:I'll just play it by ear. 随机应变. | You mustn't aim too high. 好高骛远. | You're really killing me! 真是笑死我了!

2. 好高骛远在线翻译

2. vycf:vwsm 录像机 | vycf 好高骛远 | wurq 分道扬镳

3. try to run before you can walk:39.身临其境 as these events are actually happening | 40.好高骛远 try to run before you can walk | 41.劳逸结合 provide a balance between work and play

4. idealistic, flighty:968. 妄言妄聽 don't take it too seriously | 969. 好高騖遠 idealistic, flighty | 970. 好事多磨 the course of true love never runs smooth