如临深渊[rú lín shēn yuān]
词典as if [as though] on the brink of a deep gulf [abyss]
词典act with extreme caution:如临深渊。
词典feel like standing upon the edge of an abyss:如临深渊。
如临深渊[rú lín shēn yuān]
as if [as though] on the brink of a deep gulf [abyss]; act with extreme caution; feel like standing upon the edge of an abyss
1. 如临深渊
1. 这需要我们时刻保持如履薄冰、如临深渊的心态,居安思危,居危思进,挑战危机,运用战略管理的思想、方法和手段来谋划企业的未来,并为之不懈奋斗,积极进取,从而成就一番宏伟事业。
We also need to use the idea and method of strategic management to plan the future of our corporation and try our best to fulfill it so that we can create the boom of our corporation.
2. 生存理念:如履薄冰,如临深渊。
Skate over thin ice, like standing upon edge of abyss.
3. 如临深渊是什么意思
3. 如临深渊,如履薄冰,严谨细密,精益求精,力争同业先锋。
Like standing upon edge of abyss, skate over thin ice, work
4. 如临深渊的反义词
4. 他觉得如临深渊,一步不慎便会永劫不复。
He felt he was on the edge of an abyss; one false move and he was done for
5. 如临深渊
5. 你知道我们为什么会如临深渊?
You know why we would suffer from that.
6. 面对众多的风险因素和法律责任,许多监理企业经理和项目总监如临深渊,如履薄冰。
Facing so many risky factors and legal responsibilities a lot of supervision enterprise managers and project majordomos are with caution and care.
7. 如临深渊的反义词
7. 他们的婚姻关系如临深渊。
Their marriage is going through a sticky patch.
8. 聪明购物是每一个人的目标,消费面对花费,如临深渊,如履薄冰。
Smart shopping is everyone`s goal and consumers are skeptical in terms of spending money.
9. 你如临深渊,如履薄冰 16。
You're walking on thin ice.
10. 在许多人看来,他显得如临深渊如履薄冰,而非从容不迫。
It looks to many as if he has dithered, not deliberated.
11. 如临深渊的近义词
11. 只有当你视自己的受限制像是如临深渊的切身危机时,你才会付诸行动。
It is only when you see the conditioning and the danger of it immediately, and as you would see a precipice, that you act.
12. 如临深渊是什么意思
12. 他们的婚姻关系如临深渊。
Their marriage i s going through a s ticky patch, ie an unplea s ant period of time.
13. 如临深渊
13. 你如临深渊,如履薄冰。
You're walking on the ice.
14. 因此我们抱著『如临深渊、如履薄冰』的谨慎心情在做事,因为我们是有社会责任的。
Many of our sales agents are composed of married couples; hence we constantly feel like walking on the edge of a cliff in our way of doing business because we do have social responsibilities, said Ms.