

如履平地[rú lǚ píng dì]

词典as though walking upon flat ground如履平地。

词典as easily as though walking upon a level road如履平地。


词典as easily as walking on firm earth.如履平地。

如履平地 汉英大词典

如履平地[rú lǚ píng dì]


(tread the water) as though walking upon flat ground; as easily as though walking upon a level road; (One may traverse the river) as easily as walking on firm earth.

如履平地 双语例句

1. 如履平地的反义词

1. 农夫和商人使用牛来搬运货物,它们在陡壁悬崖如履平地
    Farmers and merchants use the ox to carry wares and people on the steep paths in the mountains.

2. 他经常遇到这种棘手的事情,因此处理起来也是如履平地
    He always runs into tough matters like this, so it is easy for him to solve them.

3. 他们在移动时没有发出任何声音,行走在树丛之间却如履平地
    And it made no sound as it stepped, walking across leaves and brush as if they were smooth stone.

4. 如履平地是什么意思

4. 即使是在艰困路况也能如履平地般轻松的精确掌控。
    Handling is lighter and more precise during normal as well as difficult driving conditions.

5. 所以说,汉语入门难,入门以后,如履平地,外国人学汉语,往往难在门槛。
    So, Chinese entry difficult, started after Rulvpingdi foreigners learn Chinese, often difficult in the threshold.

6. 如履平地的翻译

6. 如果人懂得换一个身份去看处境,便明白有些举动对别人来说,如履平地,全无危险。
    If you could only see it differently, it's as easy as breathing.

7. 如履平地的意思

7. 西班牙 VS 瑞士:我认为可以说,除非瑞士人一路没有阻挠,如履平地,直接杀入半决赛或决赛,否则你很难看到费德勒和纳达尔在戴杯中现身。
    Spain vs Switzerland: I think it`s safe to say that, unless Switzerland gets an easy draw and makes it to the semis or finals, we`ll never see a Roger Federer vs Rafael Nadal encounter in Davis Cup.

8. 如履平地什么意思

8. 衪自己又能在水面上行走如履平地
    He was even able to walk upon the billows as if pavement.

9. 如果人类可以飞翔,他们就可以如履平地一样的穿越深深的峡谷和湍急的河流。
    If people could fly, they could cross deep gorges and rushing rivers as easily as on smooth ground.

10. 那里的岩石千奇百怪,有的高高突起像高山峻岭,有的坑洼地陷像深谷沟壑,有的如履平地似万里平原,还有的岩石上长了苔藓,若一望无际的绿洲。
    Where strange rocks, some as high processes, eliminate some of the ground settlement as deep gully, and some plain like thousands of miles, as well as the rock moss longer, if the endless oasis.