

妖媚[yāo mèi]


词典seductively charming妖媚的;妖媚。

妖媚 汉英大词典

妖媚[yāo mèi]

seductively charming; bewitching

妖媚 网络解释

1. seductive:seducible 容易受人诱惑的 | seductive 妖媚 | seductive 引人注意的

2. Kenzo:Jean Paul Gaultier中性 | Kenzo妖媚 | Gucci时而性感时而老土

妖媚 双语例句

1. 妖媚是什么意思

1. Samson和Delilah的故事,可说是刻划妖媚女人为了金钱而出卖爱人的经典范例。
    The story of Samson and Delilah depicts the classic example of the temptress who betrays her lover for money.

2. 妖媚

2. 蔷薇,芳香浓郁,花朵有着妖媚的红色和苍凉的白色,枝上有刺,秋果红艳。
    Rose, balmy and full-bodied, flower is having the white of coquettish red and bleak, on the branch aculeate, qiu Guogong is colourful.

3. 228他们走过丹。劳里游艺场,专演风骚角色的妖媚女演员玛丽。肯德尔从海报上朝他们投以画得很蹩脚的微笑。
    They passed Dan Lowry's musichall where Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, smiled on them from a poster a dauby smile.

4. 瓜子脸可爱,水灵,妖媚,只有鸭蛋脸光是标准,说不上有其他的了。
    Seeds lovely face, juicy, seductive, only the duck alone face standards, can not be said of the other.

5. 我唯独喜爱莲花,它从污泥中长出来,却不受到污染,在清水里洗涤过但是不显得妖媚,它的茎中间贯通,外形挺直,不牵牵连连,不枝枝节节的,香气远播,更加清香,笔直地洁净地立在那里,可以远远地观赏但是不能贴近去轻慢地玩弄啊。
    I especially love the lotus which grows out of the dirty mud but yet is clean, cleansed by the pure waters but not seductive; its center is void, thus the lotus has vacuity; it grows straight and has no creeping vines and branches; its fragrance is milder in the distance, its stem is erect, slim and clean; it is to be enjoyed from a distance but not too intimately.

6. 妖媚的近义词

6. 她迷人得让人害怕。用中文直译可以说是:妖媚
    She was so charming/enchantmenting that she was scary.

7. 这么漂亮而妖媚的女人却没有男人邀请,我不懂。
    Such attractive but the monster flatters the woman actually does nothave the man to invite, I do not understand.

8. 妖媚的翻译

8. 妖媚诡谲:以阿拉伯为背景的魔幻电影大集合!
    Strange and seductive: the background of the Arab Film Large collection of magic!

9. 妖媚是什么意思

9. 看着一些妖媚的女人,闻着飘过来的廉价的香水味,我简直要把胃掏空。
    See some seductively charming women, smell to float low-priced perfume taste, I will draw out stomach simply to leave empty.

10. 在污水滋润下朵朵绽放着妖媚的华容。
    Those luxurious apparels open with coquet under the moisture of sullages, posy by posy.

11. 绝无仅有的野兽坐骑开启了三国全新坐骑时代,撼天动地的巨象、乖巧温顺的神鹿、灵动妖媚的灵狐等,不仅作为嘉奖奖励给战场之上的佼佼者,更象征了玩家卓尔不凡的实力。
      Peerless beast sits ride open the the Three Kingdoms is brand-new sit ride a times, the quick fox with shake clever and clever and the gigantic elephant that uses the land, docile god deer, coquettish day, reward the person above average over battlefield as commend not only, more indicative the actual strength with player eminent uncommon Er.

12. 在她的电影生涯飞黄腾达前,朱莉•本茨在《捉鬼者巴菲》及它的衍生剧《天使》中饰演妖媚的吸血鬼达拉。
      Before her movie career took off, Julie Benz played the seductive vampire Darla on the small screen in both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spin-off show, Angel.

13. 刘玉英眼珠一转,很妖媚地笑了。V是美德,美德是价值连城的珠玉。
      She rolled her eyes at him and smiled seductively. V is virtue, virtue is a jewel of great price.

14. 眉棱棱着,在一脸的怪粉上显出妖媚而霸道。“我不干,”媚兰嚷道,一面气得用手绢抹眼泪。
      Her arched eyebrows and grotesquely powdered face were at once seductive and grimly overbearing. " I won't go, " cried Melanie, dabbing angrily at her eyes with her handkerchief.

15. 眉棱棱着,在一脸的怪粉上显出妖媚而霸道。“我不干,”媚兰嚷道,一面气得用手绢抹眼泪。
      Her arched eyebrows and grotesquely powdered face were at once seductive and grimly overbearing. " I won't go," cried Melanie, dabbing angrily at her eyes with her handkerchief.

16. 妖媚什么意思

16. 看king and the Clown,一开始会很诧异李俊基的妖媚,还有他那始终含情脉脉地将他的眼神聚焦在他的师兄身上,也许是他师兄的一次又一次的将他救出,渐渐地让他产生了他与他师兄之间一种特殊的感情,这让我想起《霸王别姬》中的陈蝶衣,人生如戏,若作戏作的好,就可以骗别人,若作的不好,只能骗自己。
      Watch king and the Clown, at the beginning we will be very surprised about Lijunji the seductive, and his bride who gaze at and always will be his eyes on in his pal, perhaps of his pal time and time again rescued him from danger.