


词典mist in mountain妖雾。

词典evil fog妖雾。

妖雾 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 在一个经济高歌猛进,资讯网路横行肆虐,社会空间妖雾迷漫的当下,有财的发财,无财的想财,急猴了窃财。
    The monstrous fog of boisterous economic growth, and abusive expansion of information network, enshrouds the entire society. The rich continue to be rich, the destitute aspire to get rich, and the impatient steal.

2. 这里妖雾弥漫,让人不寒而栗。
    This place is full of mist released by evil spirits, it's horrifying.

3. 信用违约掉期市场就像是撒在世界金融系统上的一层仙尘妖雾,使人们错误地相信这些有毒资产是安全的。
    And, that CDS market, the Credit Default Swap Market, was a kind of fairy dust that was sprinkled over the world financial system to make believe that toxic assets were safes, said Sachs.