1. 妙相
1. com 他平庸,远不是那样,而是8 ttt 8因为8 Tt t 8。com 他以离奇怪诞的幻影代替了那庄严妙相。
It is not that he is prosaic; far from that; 8ttt8.com he replaces the solemn vision by the farcical phantasmagoria.
2. 站在宫殿上的频毗沙罗王看到佛陀具足妙相,便对侍臣说
King Bimbis a ra, standing in his palace, saw him, and on seeing him, consummate in marks, said
3. 妙相
3. 其以艺术为方便,以佛较为内涵,以金木水火土为众缘,演绎了殊胜佛法,成就了妙相庄严,从佛、菩萨、罗汉画像到佛教供具,从山水、莲花、树木到殿宇梵刹,一陶一瓷,五彩焕然,如一个圆融无碍的华藏世界,宛然万象,耀人心田。
From the portraits of the Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Arhats, to worshipping kits used in temples, from the images of mountains and water, lotus, trees to temples and monasteries depicting various Buddhist themes, the wonderful displays of ceramics represent the fabulous and perfectly harmonious world of enligheenment and realization of Buddhism.
4. 妙相的意思
4. 频毗沙罗国王站在宫殿上看到了他,见他具有妙相,便说道:你们看,这个人俊美,魁梧,洁净,行为高尚,前视一寻(一寻指只有一把犁那么长的距离)。
How handsome, stately, pure! How consummate his demeanor!
5. 世尊妙相具,我今重问彼,佛子何因缘,名为观世音。
I now ask again, Why is this disciple of the Buddha, Called Gwan Shr Yin?