



词典to give up放弃。


词典to abandon放弃。

委弃 双语例句

1. 委弃在线翻译

1. 免得将你的精力,葬送给别人;将你的岁月,委弃给无赖
    2 Lest you give your honor to others, and your years to a merciless one

2. 她已不成为民族,亚述已将她委弃予野兽;】人设立了高塔,毁坏了她的宫殿,使她成了一片废墟。
    She whom the impious founded, setting up towers for her, Has had her castles destroyed, and has been turned into a ruin.

3. 委弃

3. 它歌唱青春在世间的第一阵楚痛;此时此刻,蓓蕾绽开成第一朵鲜花,爱情把早已熟悉的一切委弃在身后,向前寻觅陌生而新颖的内容。
    It sings of the first ache of youth in the world, when the first flower broke from the bud, and love went forth seeking that which it knew not, leaving all it had known.

4. 委弃的近义词

4. 是呵,别小看这委弃道旁的黄土,正是它在诉说,大道辉煌,自秦汉始。
    Is uh, do not underestimate this committee abandoned the road loess, it is in the telling, the brilliant Road, since before the Qin and Han Dynasties.

5. 文祥觉得相当讽刺,流传了数千年之久的嫦娥神话,早已被人委弃泥涂。
    Wen Xiang senses the irony. The Chang E myth, passed down for thousands of years, has now been discarded.

6. 委弃的近义词

6. 共有人对于发生债务之管理行为,曾经拒绝同意者,关于此项债务,得委弃其应有部分于他共有人而免其责任。
    The co-owner, who has ever refused to consent on the decision in managing the ship which gives rise to the obligation, may abandon his shares to the other co-owners and be exempted from the said obligation.