



词典the best冠;姣姣者;粹;最佳。

姣姣者 双语例句

1. 采用华天公司整套设备制造阀口糊底纸袋的用户经营业绩普遍良好,其中姣姣者仅一年时间就收回了全部设备投资,创造了良好的经济效益。
    Paste days, the equipment bag into the paper bag at the end of the domestic market, replacing the import of similar equipment, a valve port paste paper bag at the end of the leading products.

2. 姣姣者

2. 海獭和狗熊在动物中间可以称得上善于嬉耍的姣姣者了,尤其是狗熊更同人差不多。气宇非凡,聪明活泼,在加上在笔译和口译上在经验使我成为同龄人中的姣姣者
    Otters and bears are the animals that joke most and bears, of course, are very close to men. Elegant behavior and smart thoughts, as well as certain translation and interpretation experience make me outstanding among the peers.

3. 姣姣者的反义词

3. 原以为这些都是大洋彼岸的事情,虽然美国也同样是排放量名列前茅之矫姣姣者,但似乎离真正的地政暖化还有一段距离。
    It seems like all these are happening on the other side of the ocean, even though the United States is also one of the leading countries in emitting pollution, it is far from global warning.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 含微量地塞米松的复方抗单疱滴眼剂,具有抑毒抗炎双重治疗作用,又避免了大剂量皮质类固醇的不良作用,对HSK疗效卓著,是迄今中外同类药物中的姣姣者
    Anti-herpes eye drops containing minimal dosage of dexamethasone is antiviral and anti-inflammatory so it has remarkable effects on HSK.

5. 姣姣者

5. 由中国昆明贵金属所提供丝材,美国宇航局刘易斯研究中心研制的800℃温度补偿应变计,在世界同类产品中为姣姣者
    The compensated strain gauge used at 800 ℃ temperature of which the wires are provided by IPM and the gauge produced by NASA Lewis Research Center, is the best among the similar products in the world.

6. 姣姣者的意思

6. 这位归国的中国学者已成为该领域的姣姣者
    This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the top experts in this field.

7. 姣姣者

7. 我在很久就注意到贵公司,贵公司无疑是餐饮娱乐行业中的姣姣者
    I long to your company and your company is undoubtedly catering and entertainment industry in our otstanding.

8. 他们不是二流得主,他们在各自的领域中都是姣姣者
    These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. 以适应市场和用户的需求,不断地开发新产品,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中成为姣姣者,愿同您携手并进共创辉煌的明天!
    In order to adapt to market and customer needs and continuously develop new products to enable enterprises in the fierce market competition has become, and willing to work with you hand in hand to create a brilliant tomorrow!

10. 姣姣者

10. 然而对于运动场上的姣姣者来说,那就是当成千上万的人呼喊你的名字时,还有一种特殊的刺激。
    It is the thrill that comes from hearing a thousand Voices shout your name.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 在现实生活中,她们或许都有着大或小的成就,是同龄人中的姣姣者,是别人眼中的女强人。
      In real life, they may have greater or lesser success, the people are the same age, the others are the eyes of woman.

12. 公司自创办以来,就以高超的制作工艺、完美的服务质量赢得了新老客户的青睐,辉煌的工程业绩更是同行中的姣姣者
      Since its inception, to the production of high technology, perfect quality of service has won the favor of old and new customers, the brilliant performance of the project is to peer in the Jiaojiao.