

姨表[yí biǎo]




词典the relationship between the children of sisters姨表。


词典maternal cousin姨表;两姨。

姨表 汉英大词典

姨表[yí biǎo]


the relationship between the children of sisters; cousinship; maternal cousin:


    male maternal cousins;


    female maternal cousins

姨表 网络解释

1. 姨表在线翻译

1. on the sisters' side:姑表,on the brothers'side | 姨表,on the sisters' side | 重孙子,great grandsons

姨表 双语例句

1. 某官员与某领导结成了儿女亲家;某地方官员拜了某领导的岳父为干爹,某地方官员与某领导人有姨表亲等等。
    An official with a leading form of the children's relatives; some local officials led by worship of the father as the godfather of a certain local officials and leaders of a pro and so maternal cousin.

2. 姨表

2. 虽说姨表亲避讳联姻,实话告诉她,也没有什么不成的。
    Although intermarriage is a taboo, it`s still possible so long as you tell her the truth.

3. 姨表什么意思

3. 1952年,当缅甸舅父与外婆家的长辈们和我的姨表们拍照时,我在福州读小学。
    When my cousins posted for a picture with our elders, I was attending a boarding school in Fuzhou.

4. 姨表是什么意思

4. 1952年,当缅甸舅父与外婆家的长辈们和我的姨表们拍照时,我在福州读小学。
    When my cousins took a picture with our elders, I was attending a boarding school in Fuzhou.

5. 就算是非要跟艺术攀亲戚,也顶多是个姨表兄弟,不属于直系血缘关系。
    They simply were smashed all to shape has become a visual opposition to all the Red Guards.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 迪克?切尼和你是第八代的姨表亲?
    Dick Cheney, you and he are eighth cousins?

7. 姨表的意思

7. 最右方的图是1966年和弟弟及姨表们在北京。
    The picture on right was me, my brother, and relatives in Beijing in1966.