娇声娇气[jiāo shēng jiāo qì]
词典speak in a seductive tone:娇声娇气。
词典with a sweet girlish voice:娇声娇气。
词典in [with] a winning tone
娇声娇气[jiāo shēng jiāo qì]
speak in a seductive tone; with a sweet girlish voice; in [with] a winning tone
1. 她讲话娇声娇气,心不在焉。
She had spoken softly and vaguely.
2. 不管和谁说话,都拖着娇声娇气的腔调,一脸的眉飞色舞。从小就适应了父母端茶递水,也习惯了父母为他收拾一切。于是会指使你给他拿这拿那,饭自然也是不会做的
They usually talk to anyone with their effeminate sounds, the feminine expression; they enjoyed the services supplied from their parents before, and therefore, now they can do nothing for you, no matter the cleaning or the cooking.