


词典underlying reasons子丑寅卯。

子丑寅卯 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. zcym,bnpq:;甲乙丙丁: jybd,lngs | ;子丑寅卯: zcym,bnpq | ;偏旁部首: ppbs,wuuu

子丑寅卯 双语例句

1. 日晷是个大圆盘,晷面上刻著『子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥』12个时辰,晷面中间插著一根铜针。
    The sundial is a round plate, the surface is carved with 12 hours (zi, chou, yin, mao, chen, si, wu, wei, shen, you, xu and hai), with a copper needle embedded in the center of the surface.

2. 其实这个问题相信大家都明白一些,但是要具体说个子丑寅卯有点困难。
    In fact, the problem I think we all understand, but specifically a 子丑寅卯 a bit harder.

3. 子丑寅卯是什么意思

3. 这位老外很爱听京剧,虽然他听不出个子丑寅卯
    The foreigner enjoys Beijing opera very much although he does not appreciate it.

4. 他支吾了半天,也没有说出个子丑寅卯来。
    He hummed and hawed for quite a while, failing to come out with a coherent story.

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5. 只要能达成个子丑寅卯,卡拉就让孩子们做一张海报贴在厨房每个人都可以看到的地方。
    When they had their top three, Cara would get the children to create a poster to put up in the kitchen where everyone could see them.

6. 子丑寅卯

6. 所以当他们不懂意识的子丑寅卯时,他们称之为无意识,是无法了解的,这似乎是为不懂之事寻找掩盖。
    So when they couldn`t understand certain aspects of mind; they called it unconscious.... about which one can not know any thing... Seems to be a good cover up for not knowing.

7. 叫同志都辨不清子丑寅卯来叫服务员又有多精准的称谓呢。
    Called comrades Bianbu Qing Zi Chou Yin- mao called the waiter to have more accurate title of it.

8. 子丑寅卯什么意思

8. 后于县城上学,对当地书肆的子丑寅卯,了如指掌。
    After county school, the local Shusi the Zaichou Mao Yin, well known.

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9. 你倒子丑寅卯讲得像模像样的。
    You've described everything so vividly that it sounds quite real.