

孔武有力[kǒng wǔ yǒu lì]

词典have great physical strength and courage孔武有力。


词典full of power and energy孔武有力。

词典very strong孔武有力。

孔武有力 汉英大词典

孔武有力[kǒng wǔ yǒu lì]

(威武有力量) have great physical strength and courage; full of power and energy; very strong

孔武有力 双语例句

1. 心情是乞丐的人,即使他四肢完好,孔武有力,家财万贯,也仍然是个乞丐,更值得同情值得施舍。
    An able-bodied or even a wealthy man who voluntarily identifies himself with the beggar is actually a beggar and thus all the more deserves pity and charity.

2. 孔武有力的近义词

2. 这些人偕同达味攻击了一群贼寇;他们皆是孔武有力的勇士,成了军中的官长。
    They helped David by taking charge of his troops, for they were all warriors and became commanders of his army.

3. 一个生得美、有长长胡须、个子高高的、体格壮壮的、孔武有力、风度优雅、有勇气、什麼都不怕,有这八种特质的人,我们说他注定将过一个不平静而多事的人生,具备的愈多愈麻烦。
    If he has characters in the following eight aspects: being handsome, bearded, tall, broad, muscular, pleasing, courageous and resolute, we say that he is doomed to lead an unsettle and eventful life. The more characters he has, the more troubles he will meet.

4. 孔武有力

4. 他得天独厚,威严、敏捷、久战不倦、孔武有力、魁梧壮伟。至今,他还是智慧的大敌,人类的祸灾。
    Well-favored, stately, swift, unwearied, puissant, gigantic, he is still the foe of wisdom, the scourge of mortals

5. 他得天独厚,威严、敏捷、久战不倦、孔武有力、魁梧壮伟。至今,他还是智慧的大敌,人类的祸灾。
    Well-favored, stately, swift, unwearied, puissant, gigantic, he is still the foe of wisdom, the scourge of mortal s

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. Anateo与其孔武有力的走狗Solek强迫Carter改动飞船的紧急事件报警器,诱使Daniel和Vala来到一个废弃的船坞,被Solek擒获。
    Anateo and his brutal henchman Solek force her to remove the ship's emergency transponder; they use it to lure her teammates Daniel and Vala to a disreputable shipyard, where Solek captures them.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 大汉孔武有力,冷笑拿起铁砧,轻轻一丢丢出了窗外。
    He chuckled, lifted the anvil and chugged it out the window effortlessly.

8. 孔武有力在线翻译

8. 然而德国孔武有力的经济也是其出口商成功的牺牲品。
    Yet Germany`s muscle-bound economy is also a victim of its exporters` success.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 她说:「当我望著镜中的自己时,只看见孔武有力的双臂、宽
    When I looked in the mirror I just saw muscled arms

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. 他们体型巨大,他们孔武有力,他们是牛吗?
    They're HUGE. They're POWERFUL. They're COWS?

11. 在最后的房间附近(M10,8)有个孔武有力的保镖攻击你。
      Don't forget to use your lockpicking skills if you're playing as a rogue.

12. danci.911chaxun.com

12. 他的块头大、孔武有力,但却心地善良。
      He's a big teddy bear.

13. 由於北美野牛是如此孔武有力,如果你没有样好武器可以解决它们,你要怎麼办?
      Since the bisons are so powerful and if you do not have a good weapon to bring them down, what do you do?

14. 知道吗 你的臂膀真是孔武有力啊公主
      You know, you have a very strong arm, princess.

15. 虽然,这个时代号称是工农阶级的时代,工农阶级却只能作为扁平化的符号存在,在美术作品中,男人无一例外的粗壮憨实、孔武有力,女人千篇一律的淳朴壮硕。
      Although this era was called the age of the worker-peasant class, they were but a flat symbol existing in the art works, stout men and sturdy women, without exception.

16. 孔武有力

16. 他得过六次奥运摔角冠军,以孔武有力名扬四海。
      He won six Olympic wrestling championships and was famous for his great strength.

17. 孔武有力的反义词

17. 孔武有力的移民官员无疑让乘客们感觉更加安全,以弥补长龙般候客队伍的烦躁情绪。
      Tough-looking immigration officials no doubt made passengers feel safer, offsetting the irritation of longer queues.

18. 孔武有力的反义词

18. 宙斯又创造第三种人类,一种可怕的、孔武有力的青铜人类。
      Zeus made a third race of mortals, a terrible and mighty one of bronze.