

字纸[zì zhǐ]

词典wastepaper with characters written or printed on it字纸。

字纸 汉英大词典

字纸[zì zhǐ]

wastepaper with characters written or printed on it

字纸 双语例句

1. 字纸

1. 而剩下的就是枯燥无味的公司,职位和日期的罗列,但是这些恰恰避免了使你的简历被轻易地丢进字纸篓。
    What is left is a boring listing of companies, positions, and dates that are guaranteed to turn off the reader and land your resume in the circular file.

2. 字纸是什么意思

2. 字纸篓子是我的密友,常往它里面仍弃废稿,一定会有成功的那一天。
    A few days after the class, the old man was outside talking with his neighbor about how much the class helped him.

3. 他把信纸揉成一团投入字纸篓。
    He wad ded up the letter and tossed it in the wastebasket.

4. 字纸的意思

4. 他看了信之后,把它扔进了字纸篓。
    After reading the letter, he threw it in the waste-paper basket.

5. 字纸在线翻译

5. 不要使用您的洗手间作为废字纸篓。
    Do not use your toilet as a wastebasket.

6. 字纸在线翻译

6. 他把信纸揉成一团投入字纸篓。
    He wadded up the letter and tossed it in the wastebasket.

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7. 他把信纸揉成一团投入字纸篓。
    Up the letter and tossed it in the wastebasket.

8. 字纸什么意思

8. 而剩下的就是枯燥无味的公司,职位和日期的罗列,但是这些恰恰避免了使你的简历被轻易地丢进字纸篓。
    What is left is a boring listing of companies, positions, andfile.

9. 台湾科技大学的曾熙凯到英国皇家艺术学院进修,他设计了立体「大肚子红包袋」,结婚贺礼不用写字,新人一看就知是祝福早生贵子;曾熙凯还将花瓶造型的石膏模具转化成为字纸篓,用废纸填满压缩成为花瓶,可以当成装饰品。
    Tseng also turned a plaster mold shaped as a vase into a waste basket that after being filled with waste paper will mold it into a flower vase that can be used for decorative purposes.

10. 说完,吴荪甫就坐到他的纯钢转椅里,拿起笔来在一张信纸上飞快地写了一行,却又随手团皱,丢在字纸簏里,提着笔沉吟。
    He sat down on the chromium-plated swivel-chair, scribbled a few words on a slip of paper, then crumpled it up and threw it into the waste-paper basket. He hesitated, his pen poised.

11. 对字纸的敬惜属于中国民间信仰的范畴。
      Respecting and cherishing Chinese characters and paper belongs to the category of Chinese folk beliefs.

12. 字纸的解释

12. 迎水一面为正面,在一米多高的地方,开有月拱炉塘,以便焚烧字纸
      Ying-water for the positive side, in the one-meter high places have opened on Tong furnace arch, so the burning of the word paper.

13. 这些书并非毫无生气的字纸堆,而是活在架上的心灵。
      These are not lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves.

14. 把它撕碎,丢到字纸篓里去。
      Tear it up and throw it in the wastebasket.

15. 字纸的解释

15. 用在办公室等处可减少字纸篓等其它卫生用具,能使室内保持整洁、美化环境。
      Being used in offices, the utility model can reduce the use of other sanitary appliances, such as waste-paper baskets, etc and keep a room clean, beautifying the environment.

16. 她把便条扔进字纸篓,倒在榻上就睡熟了。
      She threw the note into a wastebasket, and fell fast asleep on a couch.

17. 这座亭子的用意它和中国传统的儒家思想有关,就是要爱惜字纸、珍惜学问。
      The purpose of setting up this pavilion was to related to Chinese Confucianism, asking people to treasure paper and knowledge.

18. 藏经亦与郭煌、高昌等地自古以来敬惜字纸、收藏字纸的习俗有一定渊源。
      The storage of sutras was also related to the collection and treasuring of printed paper in areas like Dunhuang and Gaochang since ancient times.

19. 他把信件撕成两半,扔进字纸篓。把废纸扔到纸篓里。
      He ripped the letter across and threw the halves into the basket.

20. 字纸的反义词

20. 他气愤地把信撕掉,扔进字纸篓里。
      He tore up the letter angrily and threw it into the waste-paper basket.