


词典the last month of summer季夏。

季夏 网络解释

1. 季夏

1. kIwCdg'J:季冬 kIwCdtvng | 季夏 kIwCdg'J | 季春 kIwCdT'Iwcn

2. 季夏的反义词

2. emitremmuS:恩霍.娜莉enroHaneL | 季夏emitremmuS.2 | 奇里德尔埃、队乐的他和蒂阿egdirdlEyoRgnirutaefartsehcrOsihdnawahSeitrA

季夏 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 睡凉一季夏
    Take a cool sleep

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 季夏就要到了,她断定,德克萨斯东南部甚至还不如维吉利亚舒服。
    Late summer was going to be even more uncomfortable in southeastern Texas than in Virginia, she decided.

3. 汉代朝服的服色有具体规定,一年四季按五时着服,即春季用青色;夏季用红色;季夏用黄色;秋季用白色;冬季用黑色。
    Cyan garments in the spring, red in the first two months of the summer, yellow in the last month of the summer, white in the autumn and black in the winter.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 片片草地都像是修整过的草坪,直到八月,春天的浓绿依旧,不少地方还掩映在桃树、苹果树、梨树等苍老果树的浓荫下。星期天一场雨后,季夏的静谧中,又多了四月的绚烂与清新。
    There the meadows are all lawns with the lustrous green of spring even in August, and often over-shadowed by old, fruit-trees - cherry, or apple, or pear; and on Sunday after the rain there was an April glory and freshness added to the quiet of the later summer.

5. 根据金毛杜鹃多样的开花现象,进一步依花期季数与季节进行单株开花类群分型,可分成4大类22型,利用各类型的开花重要值指数=(开花株数百分比+开花量百分比),展现花期或地理分布的差异,以单季春天开花、两季夏秋、三季夏秋冬与全年开花为前四高的开花类型。
    The individuals of different flowering time were classified as 4 classes based on the number of flowering seasons in a year. These classes can differentiate into 22 types by the flowering seasons and sustainability. The important value index of each flowering type was summed up the proportion of flowering individuals and the proportion of flowering amount. The top 4 IVI indicated the most important flowering types which were flowering in spring, in summer-fall, summer-fall-winter, and 4 seasons.