

Solitary quilt;
孤衾 双语例句

1. 她本是青楼风月出身,庄襄王驾崩时她还正值而立之年,三十岁的女人,正是风花雪月的大好年华,聚遭大故,孤衾独守,她怎甘孤孀的冷清岁月,守节几个月后,便难耐房中的寂寞,往往借商议国事为名,召吕不韦进宫。
    Temptress Moon She is Brothel origin, zhuang xiang wang death when she also notched three-year-old woman, a great Love is romantic, poly was so large, solitarydu shou quilt, she widow of howgan gu deserted years remarry a few months later, we encounter in the lonely room, often by the name of the deliberations of the affairs of state, called the palacelv bu wei.