

学海无涯[xué hǎi wú yá]

no end for learning学海无涯。

学海无涯 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Everybody Gotta Learn Sometimes:08 Child In Time 时间之子 / 5:22 | 09 Everybody Gotta Learn Sometimes 学海无涯 / 5:20 | 10 Wish You Wewe Here 愿你在此 / 5:34

2. 学海无涯的解释

2. Re:Re:学海无涯 | as bald as a coot 头发脱光的(像黑鹅一样秃) | as blind as a bat 有眼无珠(像蝙蝠一样瞎)

3. zawenhui:yunyou--傲慢与偏见 | zawenhui--学海无涯 | zhengxl--如梦人生

4. Art is long; life is short:42、Never too old to learn.活到老,学到老. | 43、Art is long; life is short.学海无涯. | 44、I am waiting for you at the airport.我现在在机场等你.

学海无涯 双语例句

1. 学海无涯苦作舟,师如扁舟载我行——黄荷花
    Up towards the glorious moon I raise my head

2. 学海无涯。毕业只标志着一个人受教育的一个阶段。
    Graduation only marks a stage of one's education.

3. 学海无涯在线翻译

3. 学海无涯。毕业只标志着一个人受教育的一个阶段。
    Graduation only marks astage of one's education.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 学海无涯,英语的学习是无指尽的,它就是要我们在结实的基础上不停的累积、累积、再累积。
    It is in fact accumulations after accumulations of studies based on a solid background and foundation.

5. 学海无涯。并不是读完一本书、通过了考试,教育就算完成。
    It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education.

6. 我知道学海无涯的道理,所以我会不断地学习来丰富自己,汲取他人的经验教训,听取他人的忠告,我会奉行三人之行必有吾师的原则。
    Construction enterprises of which construction projects can not meet the requirement for starting operation shall be ordered to stop construction operation and may be imposed fine penalties.

7. 学海无涯的解释

7. 我认为运气就在我们手中。书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。
    I think luck is nowhere to be found but in my own hands.

8. 她有感学海无涯,打算继续深造硕士课程。
    With so many things yet to learn, Venus plans to pursue a Master's degree after graduation.

9. 学海无涯的近义词

9. 我的座右铭是:书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。
    My motto is: there is no royal road to size, there is no end to learning work boat.

10. 也说到我们兄弟智商的事,我告诉他小叔叔是最聪明的,但结果只是个大专,原因就是没有刻苦努力,结论是:书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟;只要功夫深,铁棒磨成针。
    IQ also mentioned the matter of our brothers, uncle, I told him small is the most intelligent, but just a college, there is no reason for this is that hard work, the conclusion is: only hard to learn; as long as deep skills, an iron bar into a needle.

11. 众所周知,光阴易逝,也都知道“生命有限、学海无涯”,然而真正做到的却无几人;
      As is known to all, time elapses easily and quickly, but only a few people can really treasure it.

12. 有学识的人知道学海无涯
      Learned people know they can never learn enough.

13. 学海无涯什么意思

13. 生命有限,学海无涯
      One's life is limited, but learning is endless.