

安扎[ān zhā]





安扎 双语例句

1. 他们住在马达加斯加南部的安扎度村。
    They live in Anjado village in southern Madagascar.

2. 我们的村庄叫康家那,我们的河被称做安扎那。
    The name of our village is Khanjanu, and Anjanu they call our river.

3. 在昆兰很小的时候,他的双亲就被类似吸血鬼的安扎特人残酷杀害了。
    At a very young age, Quinlan lost his parents when they were brutally murdered by the vampire-like Anzati.

4. 安扎

4. 6月7日夜,我们在映秀的部队营地安扎帐蓬。
    We are in Yingxu and pour our tent nearby the army camp.

5. 安扎的翻译

5. 一队紧急召集的民兵被安扎在纽安斯克兰的渔村。
    A company of militiamen is camped at the fishing village of Neues Emskrank.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 沃尔夫·卡寇曾经是强大的绝地,后来屈服于自己的安扎特血统,成了可怕的食人者。
    Volfe Karko was once a powerful Jedi, who succumbed to his Anzati heritage and became a dangerous predator.

7. 尽管卡寇身体被禁锢,他还是能吸取安扎特人的精髓,让他们慢慢退化野蛮凶残的低等动物。
    Though completely immobile, Karko was able to sap the essense of the Anzati, slowly degenerating them into savage, feral shadows of their previous forms.