

安贫乐道[ān pín lè dào]

词典be contented in poverty and devoted to things spiritual安贫乐道。

词典willing to suffer poverty and unwilling to leave the right track -- willing to suffer

词典bow to one's fate安贫乐道。


词典caring only for one's principles or the way安贫乐道。

安贫乐道 汉英大词典

安贫乐道[ān pín lè dào]

(古代儒家所提倡的立身处世的态度) be contented in poverty and devoted to things spiritual; willing to suffer poverty and unwilling to leave the right track -- willing to suffer; bow to one's fate; caring only for one's principles or the way; happy to lead a simple, virtuo

  例:劝人安贫乐道是古今治国平天下的大经络, 开过的方子也很多, 但都没有十全大补的功效。

    (鲁迅) Since ancient times urging men to find contentment in poverty has been one great way of preserving peace and order; but though many prescriptions have been made out, none is completely effective.

安贫乐道 网络解释

1. an pin le dao:10 安家落户 an jia luo hu | 11 安贫乐道 an pin le dao | 12安居乐业 an ju le ye

2. contented in poverty and devoted to things spiritual:1049. 宅心 (=居心) 仁厚 is of a kindly disposition | 1050. 安貧樂道 contented in poverty and devoted to things spiritual | 1051. 安邦定國 bring peace and stability to the country